"Why you up bae ?"

"Mmmmnnnn.... look who's talking." I hate when he looks at me like this I just know shit is about to go down.

"Bae I can ex-"

"Save it, now come on up to bed NOW." He sorta yelled.

I swear I love him cause I almost cussed him out.

"I know what your thinking and right now isn't the time cause we'll definitely be going toe to toe tonight." He said walking while I followed. Im not trying to argue so I didn't say nothing.


I woke up sleepy as hell but I'm not tired. Chulo is up but he got the t.v. on so I guess we having a chill day.

"Morning b-" he put his hand over his nose and I stopped talking. Taking the hint I went to do my hygiene.

Walking out the bathroom I see him picking out clothes but on my side of the closet. I walked up behind him and kissed his neck.

"Morning bae."

"Its after 12 get dressed and go to your mom's , get Jr and take him somewhere, anywhere." Where's this coming from I feel like he's pushing me away. He walked back to the room and he was getting dressed.

" Carlos..... what'd I do now ?"

"Ok let me see um, you calling me Carlos, you didn't want sex last night, I received a good explanation which turned to shit after I woke up only to find that your gone at 2a.m., you slept in till almost 12p.m., you know what happened yesterday yet in still your talking to me instead of going to see Jr, I wanna kill your baby mom's. Ok should I go any further ?"

"Chulo don't do this ok ? (I walked up to him) last night me leaving wasn't right but it was -"
"Business "he cut me off with air quotes as well.

"If you let me finish I can ex-"

"Don't, get dressed and go take Jr out." He pushed me away. I shook my head.

" I'll do that but this... This lil bitch, hissy fit you got going on stops now. Comere and give me a kiss" He looked me in my eyes and smirked.

"You got me like this, you think I wanted this. Hell no, of course I like niggas but to be living with one much less being engaged to one, no. But I love you, im in love with you. So instead of you looking at it as me bitching, why not look at it as me caring. Jr is your son yes but he's my lil man and I love that lil boy, only if you saw him crying yesterday when he saw you being taken away you might just feel an ounce of what I'm feeling." He looked so sad, hurt, im not sure if I can explain it.

"Bae come here (he reluctantly came to me) you know I love you right ? (He nodeded) I'm sorry ok. I know you tired of me saying it but I am. I hate that, that happened yesterday but I can't change it. Im kinda glad I didn't see him cry cause I would still be in jail for resisting arrest cause I would've tried to break free to comfort him. It's no doubt in in my mind that you did. I never meant for any of this b.s. to happen. But since I see you're still upset I'm going to get dressed and go get my son like you said, I'll be back like 4 unless your coming with."

"No you need that one on one time with him he's getting older. I have to go take pics with Isaias and start planning his 1st party with Bre. I don't know when I'll be back but you better have dinner ready and be ready to talk. Oh and Bryce said to get at him when you can" little does he know I already did.

"Yes sir, daddy. Bae am I getting fat ?" I said pulling him into kisses." I gotta be the luckiest man on earth."

"If your referring to us then no you aren't, I'm a blessing lol and no your not getting fat trust Mr I'll tell you."

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