Betrayal (Or when your heart stopped)

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"So, long day again, huh?" Hayato said while yawning as he stretched.

"I guess," Katsu blinked a few times as they walked down the street. "It's just a rival gang, anyway. Not a big deal."

Hayato sighed a little disappointedly. Katsu always ended up shifting to this blank, cold self whenever they talked. It didn't make him boring (he was definitely NEVER that), but it always made Hayato want to bring some emotion to Katsu's face whenever he got the chance.

"Hey~!" Hayato piped as he thought of something. He went in front of Katsu as a cheerful expression filled his face. "How about we go get something to eat? We got plenty of time."

"How about no," Katsu said plainly as Hayato continued to smile, pulling on his sleeve with a slight, begging face.

"Please~?" Hayato grinned quizzically.

Katsu just gave out a disapproving sigh in response, while Hayato swore he saw a glint of joy in his eyes as he did so.

"Again, Hayato, no-"


"What would you like to order?" The waitress said with a small smile as she stared at the two roughish, yet handsome men. Hayato said his order quickly and enthusiastically while Katsu just said he wanted a salad.

"Who knew the great ol'  White Knight leader was vegetarian?" Hayato said sarcastically while half-laughing. Katsu gave out a low growl as he stared at Hayato with fierce, yellow eyes.

"I just don't like meat and, besides," Katsu said while searching his jacket pocket with his free hand. He had a slightly aggravated expression as he continued to speak. "You're the one who forced me here so don't even say anything."

Hayato just gave out a chuckle as he noticed Katsu bring out a cellphone and start texting somebody, causing Hayato to frown.

"Is that one of your men?"  Hayato said quietly.

"Yeah, apparently he wants me there early," Katsu sighed. "Says its important."

"Don't go," Hayato said with a blunt and honest tone. "Not yet, anyway."

Katsu had a small, startled look on his face that mixed with his solemn expression. He just gave out a 'tch', which made Hayato smile.

"Thanks, Katsu."


Walking to the other gang's place didn't take so long since the diner only ended up being a few blocks from there. When Katsu and Hayato finally reached the area, they were greeted by a small horde of White Knights and one angry-looking gang member.

"Sir! You said you'd be here an hour ago! What took you so fucking long?!" The man growled. Hayato guessed this must've been the dude who Katsu was texting.

Katsu simply gave him a dark look as he kicked his stomach with such a force that the man fell back, hard, against the metal fence surrounding the gang. The surrounding White Knights quieted down and looked at them while Katsu walked over to the bleeding man and stepped on his face; giving him just the right amount of pressure to cause him pain but not enough to crush his skull.

As Katsu pushed his foot even harder on his face; the man began to scream uncontrollably. He hissed as he leaned a little forward. "I'm not your fucking pet, you little cunt. Don't talk to me like that ever again."

Katsu released him and began to walk back over to Hayato with his ordinary, plain old expression back on his face. "So, I guess we wait for the other gang for the next fifteen minutes, huh?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess..." Hayato said a little quietly. Katsu's bipolar side may have had emotion, but it was definitely not the type of emotions he was looking for.

Katsu looked at him silently, noticing the fear in Hayato's eyes.

"Hey, how about we go somewhere good after this," Katsu said while keeping his face emotionless. "I'm sure you'll like it."

"Sure..." Hayato said with a sad smile. He knew that Katsu was trying to please him with what he thought was Hayato's happy places (and he appreciated his efforts), but to be honest he would never, ever look at Katsu like a completely sane or normal person. He'd always end up being covered in the blood of his victims whenever Hayato thought deeply enough about him.

A siren broke his thoughts, realizing how close it was. His heart quickened as he remembered what he was going to to do today; what he had been planning to do from day one. He knew it had to happen, yet, his heart felt such regret and pain as he looked at Katsu's face.

If only he knew, Hayato thought.

Dozens of cops surrounded the area as the gang members quickly raised their hands to surrender; realizing how much they had been outnumbered. Katsu immediately leaned closer to Hayato, almost in a protective stance, as Katsu gave a menacing look to an older looking police officer with a sheriff's badge exiting one of the cop cars.

"Officer Koūhai." The old cop simply said. "Come over here."

Hayato gave out a small smile as he slowly walked over and raised his badge to the cop as he shook his hand. "Hey, haven't seen you in forever!"

The old cop gave out a laugh. "Same with you! You've been on that undercover mission for so long, everybody thought you just quit!"

"Undercover...?" A voice said behind Hayato.

He looked back to see Katsu and felt a chill immediately run up his spine. His expression had to have been to most shocked it had ever been and a sharp, fierce anger in his bright yellow eyes gave him an even more displeasing look. Hayato had caused him such emotion, but definitely not the one he wanted.

"Yeah, you must be Katsu right? Yeah; your little 'second in command' was a new cop who I  thought might need an undercover mission," The old cop gave out a laugh as he spoke. Two cops behind Katsu cuffed him and began to walk him over to one of the cop cars while the other cops did the same to the other gang members. "Anyway, have fun in jail, White Knight!"

Hayato looked at him walking away with frowning eyes, feeling plagued by this strange sense of guilt and hurt. He quietly went into a nearby police car and looked out the window to see Katsu in the nearby cop car; staring at him with eyes full of betrayal. Hayato could've sworn he saw something deeper, but then he just quickly shook that off as an 'urge for revenge'.

The two cop cars drove two different ways and began following their own paths.

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