Chapter 6

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Next Day
Shakira pov
I woke up and he was nowhere to be found.Oh there he is coming out of the bathroom half naked in his briefs.
I didnt know I was starring until he said

N:You like what you see?
S:I need to shower
N:Dont try running away again after you've showered and eaten the handcuffs are back on and if you try anything.I wont be so nice next time.

He then uncuffed me and I went into the bathroom.I took a nice long shower.There is absolutely no way to escape he nailed the window closed in the bathroom after I got dressed.I ate and he handcuffed me again I need to find a way out.

2 months later.
Shakira pov
I'm 2 months pregnant and things are still the same he only uncuffes me when I need to use the bathroom and eat.He's becoming really crazy the way his mood just changes from happy to angry.I need to get out.I cant live like this.But how? I know I need to get him to trust me.Then when the time comes I'll escape.

Neymar pov
I didnt mean to do all this to shakira.But I need her here and It was the only way.
I went to go check on her


She was just laying there.I went closer and shook her no response.I know that she's ignoring me so I kissed her she opened her eyes and I pulled back.

S:What are you doing?
N:Kissing you
N:Its the only way to get your attention.So how's the baby.
S:Fine.We would be better if you uncuff me
N:I told you.No
S:But I wont run away I promise
N:How do I know your not lying
S:Cause I'm not
N:I dont trust you

2 hours later
Shakira pov

S:I need to use the bathroom

He was busy uncuffing me when both my hands were free.I grabbed him and in one swift movement I was on top of him I cuffed both his hands too the bed.

N:What do you think your doing?When I ge

I then grabbed the gun from the drawer and held it to his head.
His eyes went wide.

S:Earlier you said you couldnt trust me when I told you I wouldnt run away.
N:Now your gonna kill me
S:I could do that but this is just to prove to you that you can trust me and I wont run away.

I then found the keys on the bed and uncuffed him.He looked surprised.

N:I can trust you?
N:No more running away
S:Didnt I just prove my point by not running

He then hugged me and held on to my bump.

I know your thinking what the hell is she doing but this is all part of my plan.If I run he's gonna come after me.I'm pregnant I cant just run all the time.Here i'm safe cause I know what he's thinking and because he trusts me I can control him so this will benefit me and eventually he WILL let me go.Whether he likes it or not.

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