Chapter 2

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Neymar pov
I was walking towards Shakira.I know that she hates me.I really thought of everything we've done to each other and I thought of the prank max pulled on her.She was hurt no because of the prank but because I knew and I let it happen.I decided it was time to make peace.
So I walked up to her in hope that she will listen to me.


This is awkward.

N:So how you doin
S:Dont make small talk get to the point
N:Look we're graduating and I think going into a world of new possibilities we should put the past behind us.

N:I just think we should forgive and forget
S:So you mean after everything I should just forgive for all the pranks you pulled on me and all that times you humilliated me
N:I'm willing to Hey lets not forget.That the second year of high school you pulled down my pants in the assembly not that I had anything to hide.But of course i've gotten bigger now
S:You are so cocky
N:So whats it gonna be
S:Ok lets put the past behind us but remember you and I arent automatically friends
N:I know so you wanna dance

We danced and talked for hours when the party was almost over.I was waiting cause.I was gonna give her a ride home

Shakira pov
S:I just wanna use the bathroom quickly
S:Can you get my jacket in Tiana's room its right on her bed.

Thats when I remembered

S:Ney wait dont open the

But it was too late he was dripping in paint.I felt so bad.I wanted to prank him but we made peace and I forgot about the paint.Everyone was laughing he looked so angry he ran out of the house.I ran after him

S:Ney please stop
N:So this was your plan all along I thought we put this behind us
S:We did I just forgot about the paint
N:I thought we were becoming friends again but i was sadly mistaken you know what dont talk to me.I dont want any contact with you.Its very dangerous to play with someone's feelings it could get you in deep trouble.

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