I went home just before 6 to change into my party outfit. It included a dark blue dress with a skater skirt, and a gap in the middle just under my small cleavage. The back was a cross thick strap and it attached itself just at my hips. The skirt finished just above my knees. The top was sequined at my neck line, as well as at my waist line.

I put my brown-ombred-blonde hair in curls and pinned a few pieces back, so it was out of my face. My makeup was done using my Naked Smokey palette by Urban Decay. I used the darker blues in my crease and the creamy colours on my lid, blending them together to make it look more presentable. My shoes were silver flats, as I was never one for heels.

When I was done I went to find my girlfriend. She was standing in the living room applying red lip stick.

"Eve?" I ask, "Ready to go?"

Eve turns around, taking my breath away. Her dress was off white, with golden and silver gems lining the top, which had a split between her boobs and connected at the top and underneath. The pencil skirt was also cream but with no decoration, and went down to her knees.

"Wow." I breathe, and Eve grins and moves her hands over her body like she's nervous about it.

"It's not too much, is it?" She sighs, and I giggle.

"No Eve, it's perfect for you. You look... Perfect." I say, losing my concentration and staring at my really hot girlfriend.

"Thank you Grace... You look hot..." Eve says, walking over and kissing me.

We arrived at the party just after 6, being 'fashionably late'. As soon as we went in, Eve was bombarded by people wishing her happy birthday and giving her gifts.

I didn't want to get in the way, so I went away and greeted some of her closer friends.

"Hey Grace!" I hear as I'm walking up to a group of girls from high school.

I spin around quickly to see Lucy, one of Eve's (and my) best friends.

"Hey!" I say, embracing her quickly.

"Have you seen Sarah? I can't seem to find her?" Lucy says, her green eyes looking around the room.

"Uh..." I start looking around too, spotting her and Sam chatting at the bar at the far end of the room. "Over there!"

I walk over with Lucy to the bar, and put my hands over my best friend's eyes as I arrive.

"Guess who?" I say in a deep voice, looking over at Lucy and Sarah who have just started talking.

"Hmm..." he says, "Taylor Swift?"

I giggle and remove my hands, moving around and revealing myself to him. "No silly! It's me! Grace!" I say, then laugh and sit on the bar stool next to him.

His eyes hover over my body before staring back up at my face. "Nice dress." He says simply, flashing a smile.

"Thank you, You're not too shabby yourself" I say then grin, looking over his outfit of a fancy but casual blue shirt and black skinny jeans, with black leather shoes.

"Why thank you. Sarah picked it..." He says, looking over to his girlfriend.

Sarah hears then smiles and says, "It makes you look super-hot..." then bites her lip.

I giggle at the two as Sam blushes and turns his attention back to me, as Sarah does the same to Lucy.

We order drinks and begin to talk about Eve's birthday party, and how awesome Sarah's house was. Sam didn't live there, as they hadn't been dating for very long. Eve has probably spoken to everyone at the party by now, and she was also pretty tipsy... okay, understatement of the year right there.

My Best FriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora