Chapter Three

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(2 Days Later)

Talia P.o.v

"I feel horrible, babe," Aniyah whispered into the phone. I heard her blow her nose. I laughed. I find it ironic that she's sick on a Monday.  

Pulling my tan pants up my legs."Mhmm,"

"Im serious!" she whined, her voice sounded nasally. ".... and wear the blue button up shirt with your blue toms," she added, softly.

"Why are telling me what to wear?" I asked. "Im 16 I can dress myself."

"Im 16 too but you still tell me what to wear,"

"Correction : you're 15 and I simply suggest things." she scoffed.

"Yeah sure."

"Talia, hurry up! Ima be late for work!" My mom yelled up the stairs. I looked at my watch : 7:21 am.

"Im coming! " I yelled back.

"You're so lucky," Aniyah commented into the phone.

"Why?" I threw on a random shirt and stuck my feet in my blue toms.

...They were the only one's that were out.

"Cause you don't gotta ride the bus with them loud ass ghetto kids," I laughed, Throwing my bag on my shoulder.

"That's the main reason I don't," I replied. "Plus babe you know you're free to ride with me."

"Nah it's cool, that would be out of the way for your mom," I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.....then looked down at the shirt I was wearing. The blue button down? Damn.

She coughed violently.

"Damn babe, I can ditch school and come chill with you if you want." I volunteered. I knew she was shaking her head.

"Nah, go to school." she said, "I don't wanna get you sick."

"Are you sure?"

"Uh huh,"

"TALIA!!!" My Mon yelled.

"Im coming, Im coming!" I yelled back.

"Babe I gotta go, Text me later, okay?" she said, in a hurry. Before I could answer she hung up. I sighed and slid my phone into my back pocket.


"Yeah, yeah. See you later mom." I dismissed without turning around to look at her when I hopped out the car.

She sighed. "Im right and you know it," I stopped and stood there, calming myself down before I threw random cuss words at her. Taking a deep breath I turned around.

"So what?" I threw my hands up. "Let me live in the moment mom, Im only 16. You keep throwing all this stuff at me about the future, but I'm not even legal yet. Please mom, do both of us a favor and calm all of that down." I turned around and continued walking.

"I was just giving you advice!" She yelled. I had to resistent the urge to flip her off.

"I didn't ask for advice!"


My fingers tapped on the desk, slowly. My head was leaning on the palm of my hand.

"Aniyah Hennson?" Mr. Washington called.

"Not here." about half the class answered. My eyes closed a bit. Damn not even 5 minutes in the class amd Im tired as shit.

"Well Talia you're up." He said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

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