Chapter 1

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Allyson's POV

Let me introduce myself. I'm Allyson Waters. I'm a nineteen year old who just finished miserable college a couple of months ago. I live in the amazing city of Chicago, in a small house because my parents can't afford a larger one. I'm planning on going to university in Conneticut.

Yeah, I know, big move; but I want to continue with my education somewhere better- a place with more resources and more chances of me getting somewhere in life.

I have an older step-brother, Eric, who drives me absolutely insane. Mum adopted him when he and I, both, were fourteen years old. He's always on about how I should try and make friends with the right people and shouldn't go deep into any friendship. Like, who does he think he is to tell me what to do?
He's also nineteen which is even worse because he was in the same year as me, at school, for almost my whole life. That means I had no choice on what I would do in school because he'd always be there to make my decisions for me.

But overall, he was the most caring brother anyone could get. He was always there when I needed help- like when I was bullied in school. Another time, someone had threatened to beat me up if I didn't do their homework for the entire week; but like always, Eric would show up and scare them off. He could easily break someones bones because he was really strong- which was something I was scared of because he'd go to great extent if someone hurt me...

I have a best friend whose name is Mitchel. And, no, he's not my boyfriend- he's gay.

He's the best friend a person could ever get. There is nothing in the world I'd trade him for.
Everyday, when we were at college, he'd always bring me sandwich with chocolate spread in between the two slices of bread. My favourite.

Now that college was over, I'd barely see him. Maybe once or twice a week. He either was really busy with family or he was at work. Towards the last few weeks of college, Mitch and I decided that we'd both get jobs, earn enough money to buy an apartment and live together. That was our life plan- but that didn't and wasn't going to happen because 1) I donn't have a job yet, and 2) My parents didn't approve of the decision I made. They claimed that it's socially wrong to have a guy as a roomate, although they trusted Mitch. I didn't find it fair that mum and dad were controlling my life, but what could I do- parents are parents.

Now that I think of it, I missed him a lot. Almost everyday, I'd fill up the time I spent with Mitch and use it to listen to music, that many despise, while laying in bed.

Like now.

I'm currently lying on bed, my legs tangled and twisted with the faded out navy blue comforter. My black earphones plugged into my ears, while my music was playing on full volume.

I remember whenever I'd walk into school, I'd receive weird stares and whispers from others only because of the way I looked and how loud my music was. However, I ignored them and didn't let them get to me.
Whenever it was lunch, I was in the canteen stuffing my mouth with a burger while the other popular girls chewed on a bowl of salad and drank water so they won't gain weight- which was stupid because you'd lose the weight in Gym lessons.

I shook away the thoughts of the past and focused back on listening to Still Breathing by Green Day. I bobbed my head up and down and tapped my fingers on my thigh to the beat of the song.

I felt so relaxed and calm when I listened to their music, it was as if I was in heav-

The unexpected knock on my bedroom door stopped me from thinking about the greatness in their music.
"Allyson, dear," I recognised the voice as my mum's.

"Yeah, come in mum," I pulled out my earphones and sat up on the bed so I was a little bit more presentable.

When the door clicked open, I snapped my head up to see my mum popping her had through the small gap between the door and it's frame.

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