My Precious Gem Stone - Sword Art Online

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I do not own Sword Art Online.

Kazuto's POV:

Bright lights shone on the stadium. The stadium is my stage. Nothing, but muddles of noise from the crowd and squeaks from the other player's shoes could be heard. Drips of sweat fall from the players face to the floor. The atmosphere was tense yet filled with energy.

It was a very close game. If my team could manage to shot a three pointer, SAO, could win the championships I thought to myself.

The ball was tossed around from left and right and in all directions until the ball was handed to me from Klein. He yelled, "You got this Kazuto! Do it!"

I caught the ball and dribbled it while switching hands to void from the enemy players. As I got the other side of the stadium. Less than a minute until the buzzer goes off. It would then be the end of the game. Focus on the goal, I told myself. Only 10 feet away from the hoop and 10 feet from the rim of the basket. None of my teammates were close enough to aid me in case of a rebound (or the time for one) and the opposite team were closing in.

The pressure was on. It was now or never. My face was burning hot. A few sweat drips from my forehead. I settled in my resolve and gather all of my remaining strength and courage and made a three pointer shot.

As I made my shot. Time was ticking as well. Only a few seconds now remained. It was a close game. As the ball swooped into the basket. The buzzer went off.

The whole stadium went silent. Only the sound of ball as it hit the floor could be heard. A few seconds later ... the whole stadium goes wild.

I looked over to the scoreboard and I saw the score: SAO 108 to GGO 105. SAO won! My eyes widen in amazement and in disbelieve. Our team won. My point won the game.

I took a step back and breathed a sigh of relief. My teammates, Klein, ran up behind me and wrapped his arm around my neck with a big smile on his face. "Nice job there buddy! You did it!"

I smiled then answered, "No. We did it! Together." Klein and I fist bumped each other and met up with the rest of our teammates. Everyone high fived each other and cried tears of joy.

Afterwards, both teams lined up and bowed. SAO made it to semi-finals. One more game and SAO will be the champions of Japan. My teammates and I gathered together as we departed from the stadium and entered into the locker rooms to change.

After changing in the locker rooms, Klein and I were waiting for the rest of the teammates to get out. While waiting, I took in another deep breath to rationalize what happen and to remember this feeling of our victory. This was real, I thought to myself. We made it to the championship. I clinched my fist in excitement. "Yeah" I smiled.

Interrupting my thoughts. Klein tapped my shoulder. "Hey Kazuto."

I looked over at Klein. "Yeah, what?" Klein just had a goofy grin on his face and pointed his finger at a certain direction. My eyes followed where his finger pointed to and ... there I saw ... an Angel.

My angel. Asuna, Asuna Yuki a.k.a. my girlfriend.

"Kazuto!" She called out as she waved at me. Asuna wore a simple white dress with a gray leggings and a pale pink cardigan. Her beautiful chestnut hair flew in the air as she made her way to me.

"Asuna." I walked over to meet her half way. "I didn't know you came."

"It was supposed to be a surprise." She smiled. "Actually I was going to tell you at first, but I know how nervous you get at a game. Especially if I'm there watching you."

I blushed. Damn! How did I become the luckiest guy in the world to bag a goddess like her? I wondered.

"I also knew that this was going to be an important game for you so I kept quiet. I wasn't too sure if it would be appropriate to see me if in case you didn't win. So I thought I should wait until the end result of the game to decide whether I should see you."

Precious Gem Stone - Sword Art OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now