~After Detention~

TA: ED? Are you out of detentiion yet? Plea2e tell me they gave you your phone back.

CA: Yes Sol, I'm out and I got my phone back. I'm not a teacher pretending to be me.

TA: Prove iit. Where am II mo2t tiicklii2h?

CA: Behind your left knee.

TA: Heh, II knew iit wa2 you

CA: You wweirdo

CA: Did you get into my house yet? I'm literally at the front door noww.

TA: Ye2, your wiindow2 aren't that hard to get iinto. IIm on your couch...

TA: And 2hiirtle22~

TA: Hurry up and open the door 2o II can kii22 you already my liittle guppy~

I got excited and put my phone in my pocket, unlocking the front door.
It was around 4:31 pm. My dad should be home around eleven or maybe even midnight.
Plenty of time with just Sollux.

I opened the door and sure enough, he was laying on the couch, no shirt on to cover his chest.
I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. He was so fucking hot.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer than you just staring." He chuckled.

"O-Oh.. Sorry.." I looked down and closed the door.

He stood up and began to walk over to me. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head up. I stared straight into his one brown and blue eyes. It was so rare, but I loved it.
"Aw, don't be so shy babe. It's only me." He smiled and kissed me deeply.

His kisses always brought me comfort. I feel safe when I'm with him, even though he is a bit troublesome at school. I really don't care.
He slowly placed his hands on hips and brought my body close to his. Sollux chuckled quietly and placed a hand on my ass.

I jumped.

"What? Just touching the booty~. You've never had a problem with that before."

"I-I knoww! Just wwarn me wwhen you're gonna grab it.."

He nodded and pulled me to the couch, pushing me down onto my back.
I hit the couch with a soft thud of my head making contact with the couch pillow. Sollux got on top of me, straddling my hips.

"Sol, wwhat are you-" He cut me off by placing kisses onto my jawline, down to my neck.

"Heh, that quickly shut you up." He grinned, and leaned close to my ear to whisper, "..but I wonder what will make you scream~"

"I.. Uh.."

He sat up and began to pull up my shirt, but quickly stopped when the front door opened.

"Eridan, I'm home-" My dad cut himself off when he saw us.

He and my brother hated my relationship with Sollux, especially just Sollux as a person in general.

Sollux quickly got off of me, putting his shirt back on and I sat up. "D-Dad!? I-I thought you wwere wworkin' late tonight..?"

"I was.." He glared at Sollux, "..and is this what you do whenever I'm out late?"

"Father, wwe wweren't goin' to-"

"I thhould go home.." Sollux stood up, his lisp starting to show. It only happens when he's mad or upset.

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