Chapter 1

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A soap opera by S and A

One day, Fabrita was strutting down the runway, just as usual. She was the top model in Sizzle City, and was widely admired from all around the world. As she turned to strut back down the runway, she caught sight of another model. This model was named Jim. "I'm more fabulous than you are." He whispered as he passed her on his way out to the runway. Fabrita was affronted and quite offended at this statement. She knew she was the most stunning, fashionable, and fabulous model around. When Jim got back to the area backstage, Fabrita shook her fist and said "I am the most fabulous one, Jim." In response Jim flexed his muscles and said "Can't touch this, Fabrita!!!" Fabrita flexed her muscles too and said "You'll be eating your words, Jim." "Yes Fabrita, I'm sure they'll be delicious." Jim retorted and feebly slapped her in the face. "How dare you make a fool of me, Jim?!" Fabrita exclaimed and slapped Jim equally feebly as he had. Jim winced. "For that you shall pay, Fabrita..." He muttered ominously and weakly poked her in the arm. Fabrita had had enough. She would deal with this no longer. " YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, JIM!" She shouted as she pulled a handgun from her pocket and pointed it at him.

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