What's happening?!

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I get back home, lock myself in my room and cry. Lucas hates me I dont know what to do I am very confuse. I just wanna die right now. I cry untill I fall asleep. "Maya come here I know you want me" a girl say "Come fuck me, make me yours" she said again while laughing "Who are you?" I ask. There was a door I open it. There was a room, and a girl comes behind me and wraps her hands against my waist my eyes widen "Riley?" I turned myself "Dont talk Maya" she presses her lips against mines. This felts so good suddenly I feel her tongue inside my mouth this is so great I hope she doesnt stop the she pushes me against the bed "What Riley!?" I ask shocked and with my face red. Riley takes off my shirt and my bra "They are so cute" Riley says. My face turned so red her tongue on my nipples "Yeah plis dont stop" I moan "You like that Maya?" She asks. Then she takes off her shirt and bra. My face is so red Riley takes off my pants and panties "What if?" She smirks a bit putting one finger in my pussy "Ohhh" I moan then her tongue slowly in there "Oh my God Riley dont stop! I moan louder. She continued licking I'm getting so wet "Maya! Maya!" I listen a voice. My eyes open "Wake up you are running late for school, dress up!" My mom yells at me. Then she leave my room. I get up I look myself in the mirror my face is so red. I went to take a shower and dress up. I went downstairs and say goodbye to my mom. I get out of the apartment and run to the subay. I couldn't stop thinking in my dream with Riley whats goinb on in my mind. I get to the subway on time the train was there I run to the doors before they close "Shit!" I tripted and fall but I get to the subway "Are you alright" a nice guy with great hair and big brown eyes ask "Yeah I'm good" I answer while he helps me to get up "Josh wait for me" a girl says "Maya!" shit it was Riley and Riley knows him what the fuck!? "Hey Riley" I groan a bit "Maya this is Josh my uncle, Josh this is Maya a friend of my school" she introduces us "Nice to meet you Josh" I answer with a smile "The same thing I said Maya" he answers. I was really shocked today is a fucked up day first the dream, now Josh being Riley's uncle, whats next? Lucas returning to Texas or he turns to like dicks instead of pussies?! Whats happening?!

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