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1 Week Later.....
I had a strong bond with Wind. It was like we had known each other for years. He wasn't like the rest of his pack. He was nice and friendly not tough and rough. He was my only friend in the pack. Maybe more than a friend. I thought.

"It's time to sleep." He warned.

 I knew Ash would soon come and check on us. He would try to talk to me but I refuse to have anything to do with that rotten and evil excuse of a wolf. Ash came and nodded for Wind to get out. I knew Wind would be at the door peaking in and making sure I was ok.

"So, Sapphire." He said before he couldn't resist the urge to jump on me. 

He was trying to make love with me. Wind came to my rescue. He pushed Ash off and stood in front of me. Ash growled at im but he stood his ground. Ash finally gave up and sprinted away.

That Night...

"Thanks for rescuing me it did cost you your position though...." My voice trailed off.

 I felt bad.

"It doesn't matter."

We were silent for a moment and then he broke the silence.

"Sapphire. I. I like you a lot." I like you too Wind." I responded. "No I. I. I love you." I was taken aback. There was an awkward silence and then it happened.

The Next Morning....

I awoke to the sound of birds. Wind was next to me but we weren't in the den we were in the forest. "Hey remember last night?" Wind whispered sleepily. "No." I reply. "I got us out  and then well...." He was cut off by Saph "I feel different..." She whispered quietly. "Plz don't tell me.." She moaned. Wind had an expression on his face that said, we did. "Sapphire I'm-" He started "Save it." Saph said sharply before racing into the forest to get away. She just needed to think. What did all the other pregnant wolves do? She thought. Oh ya they find a place to deliver. I'm so dumb. She thought. Sapphire padded deeper into the forest looking for a place that she could create a den in.

Meanwhile at the Rogues camp...

"Where are they!!" Ash yowled.

 "Wolves! get into groups of three and search for the 2 missing wolves, Wind and Sapphire!" He ordered.

The wolves did as they were told and spread out into the forest.

Wind's POV

Dang it! I shouldn't have done that. I thought to myself. I had a split second to think before I heard the unmistakable pounding of my PACKMATES!! I quickly hid before they saw me.

"Stop playing games Pokka! I thought you said you smelt something!" A black wolf growled at poor Pokka the weak female.

 She was silent and then they left. I have to get to Saph and warn her! I thought

Sapphire's POV

I ran, I ran like the wind. I tried to retrace my steps to Wind. I had made a mistake. following my footsteps I raced back. After a lot of discouragement and running I found him! "Wind..." I murmured. "Saph.... I thought they caught you." He was about to say something else when we felt the ground shake with the hard footsteps of the Rogues. Run! His face seemed to say and I did. I did what I was told. He followed close behind.

"Wind...... I want to um introduce you to my parents. I have to go and tell them." I paused waiting for a reaction from him. He just looked sad. "I want you to stay with us, see the pups grow." I continued and then rested my head on his chest.

"I guess.... If your happy I'm happy." He said.

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