Chapter 13: A Cloudless Night

Start from the beginning

"Fuck yeah they are. I wonder how much Sharpie spent on these." Andrew laughs, shaking his head.

"Speak of the devil." Chaunette giggles.

Right then, Sharpie, Abby, Jonathan, and Natalie arrive at our seats.

"Hey guys!" Sharpie greets, waving.

We all greet Sharpie, and then they settle in their seats.

Abigail sits on my left, and Jonathan sits on my right.

Next to him is Natalie, then Chaunette, Andrew, Abby Sharp, and Sharpie.

"Sharpie, these are damn good seats." Jonathan laughs, shaking his head.

"What can I say? I'm a big fan of Coldplay." He shrugs, laughing.

I shake my head, looking down at Abigail and my's hands, that are still holding each other.

I glance over at Jonathan, who has a bittersweet smile written on his face.

I don't know how he's going to handle tonight, but he's going to get emotional.

I can tell you that much, for sure.

"So, Natalie, what did you think of today? Was it your first Blackhawks parade?" Chaunette asks, looking over at Natalie.

I look over at Natalie, nearly mistaking some of her features for Ally's.

It's unmistakeable.

I don't know if Jonathan is blind to the similarities, but it all makes sense as to why he fell for Natalie.

Some of her features are identical to Ally's.

Natalie laughs, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.

"It was amazing. And no, I've been to one other Blackhawks Stanley Cup Parade, but as a fan. I obviously never got to experience it from such a personal level." Natalie laughs.

Abigail smiles at me.

"Well, we're glad you could make it." Chaunette smiles.

Right then, the stadium lights suddenly dim, and the stadium is almost completely dark.

The concert is starting.

Cheers erupt from the crowd, everyone standing up.

The eight of us all stand up as well, getting ready for the opening song.

I have no idea what the setlist is tonight, but I know most of Coldplay's songs, so I know it's going to be good.

There is a small introductory video, and then a spotlight shines on stage.

The entire stadium is on their feet, cheering.

This concert is packed.

Suddenly, music starts.

Nobody is on stage yet, but you can hear the music.

The cheers grow louder.

The beginning of the song Paradise starts.

Paradise is one of my favorites.

I smile, and right then, the band emerges on the stage.

Chris Martin stands at the front, the rest of the band behind him.

He plays the guitar, and once the introduction of the song is finished, he begins singing.

"When she was just a girl, she expected the world..."

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