18. Taking Care of My Big Baby

Start from the beginning

She got up to hug Jamie and I went inside to say goodnight to Tyler. He was out like a light, so I just kissed his forehead, pushed his hair back and moved the blanket onto him. Before I could walk away he grabbed my hand.

"Can you come over tomorrow? I already miss you and I can't drive to visit you. I really want to spend the day with my gorgeous girlfriend." Tyler's voice was raspy.

His extremely sexy voice made my stomach knot and what he said was so adorable. Oh shit he just said girlfriend. I could feel my heart pound against my chest as I processed what he just said.

"Of course sweetheart. I have a class tomorrow at 9. I'll come here right after."

"I feel like a baby now." He said smirking that ridiculous smirk that makes me melt.

"Well you are MY baby." I smirked back and kissed him goodnight

I waved goodnight to Jamie and walked out the door with Brielle. I went to bed happier than I've ever been.


On my way to class I felt my phone buzz. I was shocked to see a text from Tyler this early. He should be resting.

From: My Baby😍🙊
Jamie left the key under the door mat. I'm waiting for you😏

To: My Baby 😍🙊
I'll be there in a few hours. Go back to sleep it's not even 9AM.😘

I was worried that Tyler was alone right now. He can't walk and I don't want him getting up to do anything. He has crutches, but I'm still scared.

After class I went straight to his house and found the key. I checked the living room and he wasn't there. I headed up to his room realizing I don't know where his room is.

There were only three rooms and a bathroom. I headed to the door that was slightly open.

I found Tyler sound asleep on his side with his hands under the pillow. He looked so fucking adorable I couldn't control myself. I had to take a picture. It wasn't creepy either because I'm his girlfriend now; I'm allowed to do things like this.

I brought pancake mix, chocolate chips, bacon and whip cream because I remember Tyler telling me that it's his favorite breakfast. So I headed to the kitchen to make it.

I returned to his bedroom finding him in the same position. Now it's 11:30 I think he has enough rest.

I put the tray on his night stand and sat next to him on his bed. I rubbed his back until he began to stir. He didn't open his eyes, but I knew he was awake because he was trying to hide a smirk.

"I don't think you understand what that smirk does to me" I said making him laugh and open his eyes to look at me.

I kissed him and continued to rub his back. There was no way that he was still tired.

"Good morning" He mumbled rolling  over onto his back.

"Hey why'd you stop" he pouted

"How am I supposed to rub your back if you are laying on it?" I giggled

"No rub my chest. I'm still tired." I couldn't help but to laugh at his childish request.

I did as he asked and thanked God he had a shirt on. I don't think I would be okay if he didn't.

"I could take my shirt off if you want."  He smirked again this time knowing exactly what he was doing.

"I said my thoughts out loud again didn't I?"

I don't understand why I always do that in front of him and it's always the most embarrassing thing.

"Yea but it was much less creepy now than that day in the elevator" he cracked himself up. "And you're blushing so hard right now"

"Shut up" I looked away from him.

He pulled me into him so that I was laying on his chest. He smells really good, I thought to myself. This time, I made sure it stayed in my head.

"I made you breakfast" I said feeling him try to sit up.

"Oh my god! how did you know?"

"I listen when you speak" returning a smirk back at him.

"You even remembered the whip cream! You're the best" I laughed and snuggled into his side as he ate.

"Let's go downstairs. I don't want to stay in my bed all day."

"No, no you are staying up here. You can fall down the steps with only one leg." I think I worry to much.

"I have to get up to go to the bathroom at least" I giggled and let him get up.

He got out of bed and to the bathroom easily, so I guess he can go down the steps.

"I'm going to take a quick shower" he yelled from the bathroom.

Oh my lord, this boy is going to be the death of me. "No you aren't! That's more dangerous than the steps. You can easily slip with barely any balance. We can go downstairs if you want...at least I can help you."

"You can help me in the shower too" he said standing at the bathroom door

"HA! Nice try baby, but you smell fine and have been in the house for the past day. You aren't dirty..you can wait to shower."

We went downstairs and sat on the couch to play video games.

"Play me in NHL 15" Tyler demanded

"Um nah lets play Modern Warfare 2. You have an unfair advantage at NHL and the other Call Of Duty games suck."

"Noo, lets play hockey. I can't play in real life!" He pouted

"Ok but don't be a sore winner"

Just like yesterday we spent all day on the couch and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was getting late and I needed to get back to my dorm. I have a lot of studying and homework to do.

"Ty I have to get going. Want me to help you up the steps?"

"No, do you have to?" Tyler groaned

"Unfortunately yes it's getting late and I have to study tomorrow."

"You are smart enough already. Can you stay tonight?"

"Not yet Tyler...we haven't even been together for 2 days." I wasn't going to stay with him this soon, even if it was just sleeping.

"Okay I guess you're right."

I felt bad, but I have a test in 2 classes this week and I'm not ready to stay over Tyler's anyway.

"Cmon, I'll tuck you in"

"You make me feel like a baby and strangely, I'm okay with it"

I helped him up the steps and to his room. He got in bed and looked so comfy. I sat down and kissed him good night. As I shut the light and headed to the door Tyler spoke again.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? You're a good snuggler!" He begged me

"Um... I'm sure. I can lay down with you until you fall asleep though."

I went and laid down next to him. He really was comfy. He kissed my forehead as I snuggled against him. I felt his muscles relax and his breathing start to calm. Tyler was definitely asleep, yet I wasn't ready to leave.

About an hour later I slipped out of his hold. Although I hated to leave, I had to. It would have been nice to stay with him all night, but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I wasn't ready for that. Even after 3 years with Michael I wouldn't stay with him.

I kissed Tyler on his lips even though he wasn't going to respond. Then I kissed his forehead and left, remembering to lock the door.

Fillerrrr chapterrr

I'm sorry for the long wait. I want to get more readers before I update each chapter.

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