19. In Your Eyes

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<1 month later>

Bella's POV

I hear the alarm on my phone go off as a roll over and shut it as fast as I can. The sun was shining bright; right into my eyes of course. I looked at my phone to text Tyler and I realized today was the day he is supposed to be getting cleared.

It's 9:30 so he's definitely not up. I guess I'll go wake him up.

I'm happy to see Tyler get back on the ice, but I'm not ready for it. I don't want him to get hurt again. I'd rather be cuddled up on the couch with him in my arms and watching the game.

The last month has been great and stress free. After my exams, my classes began to calm down. I still had my classes, but I wasn't studying like a maniac.

As for Tyler, he's been sitting on the couch complaining that he wants to be on the ice with his team. But, that means I can see him whenever I want because he's always home. If I didn't have class or work I was with him.

I'm happy to see Tyler get cleared because he's going to be much happier. As for my own selfish reasons, I really wasn't ready to give up time with him.

Forty minutes later, Brielle and I  found ourselves at Jamie and Tyler's doorstep. We both had keys to their house, yet neither of us brought them.

Brielle decided to text Jamie hoping that he would be up. I didn't want to text Tyler again because he didn't answer my first text. He was definitely still sleeping.

A few minutes later a very tired looking Jamie answered the door. His hair was sticking up, his eyes were half open and he was half dressed.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Brielle basically screamed.

Jamie grunted and wrapped his arms around her for a hug, but it looked more like he was sleeping on her shoulder.

The team had the day off today. They were working extremely hard lately and they deserved some rest. Tomorrow afternoon, they were going to be leaving for a 2 week road trip, which I was so unprepared for. If Tyler gets cleared today, he will be going.

I ran off to Tyler's room and opened the door slowly. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, although I knew he sleeps like a brick. There was no way the door would wake him up.

I wasn't sure if I should wake him up yet. He was sleeping so peacefully and I kind of wanted to watch him lay there.

I decided on letting him sleep, so I laid next to him. I managed to get on the bed without waking him up.

He was always laying on his stomach with one hand above his head and the other under him. I watched as his back moved as he breathed deeply. He had a light snore, but it was cute so I never complained.

I studied his tattoos. I usually didn't like guys with tattoos, but damn did they look good on Tyler. I'm pretty sure I could draw his tattoos from memory at this point because I'm always looking at them.

Tyler began to move closer to me as he continued to sleep. He wrapped his arm over my waist and leaned on me a little bit.

He continued to breathe deeply and I was shocked he didn't wake up yet. But, he was getting heavy now and his  doctor appointment was at 12.

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