Just good friends?

Start from the beginning

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[The following week, Monday Night Raw]

Today was the day, the first day of you and Seth's storyline and you were both called in for a meeting about what you had to do that night. By the time you'd both left you were more anxious than you were before. You and Seth had found out that you had to kiss backstage following The Shield's match and it seemed so quick

"Wow they've really thrown us into the deep end haven't they!" Seth said as you both made your way back to the RV

"Yeah they have'' you agreed ''I didn't think we'd have to kiss until at least a couple of weeks into the storyline'' 

''Look, I know you probably don't want to think about it but, how do you want me to kiss you?" Seth asked suddenly

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you know...do you want me to use my tongue or..."

"Whatever you want to do will be fine" you said cutting him off

You rushed past him and cursed yourself for getting so flustered. You had kissed guys before, had boyfriends but the thought of kissing Seth was throwing you through a loop. You made it back to the RV and rushed straight into the bedroom, not even bothering to acknowledge Dean or Roman on your way past. Seth made it back a few moments later, immediately looking around for you

"She's in there'' Roman said, pointing to the bedroom door

"Trouble in paradise already?" Dean asked in a sarcastic tone

"Seriously Dean do not start with me, brother or not if you say one more thing to either me or (Y/N) I will fucking knock you out'' Seth raged

Dean smirked, causing Seth to get even more angry at his apparent lack of sympathy. He took a step forward and got right into Dean's face causing Roman to step in between them

"Come on guys we're supposed to be a team'' Roman said, attempting to talk some sense into his teammates "Take this anger out on our opponents tonight, yeah?" 

[An hour later]

Seth was changed and sitting on the couch looking at his phone, Dean was pacing nearby and Roman was stood by the door waiting to leave for the match.

''You better go and get her bro'' Roman said looking at Seth

Seth nodded, getting up "You ready sweetheart?" Seth shouted through the door of the bedroom with a little knock

You stood up from the bed with all the energy you could master, you didn't have to wrestle tonight but you did have to kiss your best friend and you were not looking forward to one bit. Putting on a brave face you pulled yourself together and opened the door

"Let's do this'' you said  

"That's my girl'' Seth said giving you a nudge with his shoulder    

[The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family]

The match went well and Seth had took Roman's words literally and had taken all his anger out on Erick Rowan, who was unfortunate enough to be tagged in with him. He was on fire and was pulling off moves he had never even shown people before. Dean even looked a little impressed when Seth made eye contact with him after landing a particularly impressive move


'Here are your winners THE SHIELD!!.'

You made your way into the ring and walked over to Seth, wrapping your arms around his neck. You had to start acting like a couple from now on and he smiled down at you, kissing the top of your head

[After the match]

You and the boys were walking towards your locker room and Dean and Roman broke off from you and Seth so that you could be alone for 'this kiss'

"We'll catch you guys up in a bit'' Seth said grabbing hold of your hand and leading you into a locker room

''You did great out there tonight'' you said in a flirty manner as the camera's followed you, capturing every moment 

"You think?" Seth replied looking at you

"Yeah you were on fire out there!" you responded

Seth let out a deep sigh and pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist. Without warning he pressed his lips against yours taking you by surprise. He swept his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you granted and soon your tongues were dancing around each others mouths. You found your hands making there way up underneath his t-shirt, caressing his back and he responded by stroking the back of your neck and running his fingers through your hair. Suddenly a faint bang came from nowhere. You and Seth had been kissing for too long and it was the camera mans way of telling you both to stop. You broke off the kiss and Seth smiled down at you, his thumb stroking the side of your face

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" he said once you were both alone

"No it wasn't" you replied smiling back at him

You had to admit to yourself that you enjoyed every second of the kiss and what you had imagined to be an awkward and forced kiss between two friends, had turned out to be one of the best kisses you had ever had. In that moment, right there and then you knew that your relationship with Seth would indeed never be the same; but not necessary in a bad way

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