Night 1 Part 1

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I heard somebody is getting closer to me. Ugh.. it's really cold here and the snow makes me freezing. Later, I saw a man in front of me.

"Are you lost, Miss?" Said the man then he show his fangs.

Wait.. fangs?! You must be kidding me right? A vampire?!

Then the man trying to attack me. But suddenly I see a boy standing behind him

"Do you have any last word?" Said the boy then he stabbed the man straight in the heart. Blood flooding from the body and stained the white snow. He licked his hand that was coated in blood from the man before.

I feel frightened. He is scary.

"Are you alright?" , he said then stretch one of his hand to me

10 years later

"Are you daydreaming again? Look! The class monitor is looking at you again. He look furious"
"Ahaha... sorry but yesterday's night patrolling job was exhausting"
"Are you alright?"
"I..I'm okay! Dont worry! Thanks for worrying me, sayori!"

Sayori is my bestfriend. I could tell her everything. She's just like a family to me

To be continued /つづく。。

So guys! My first fanfic *finally* Sorry for my bad grammar. But I loved the Vampire Knight Anime.. and love Kaname too.. comment kay ^^

Wait for my next post kay ^×~
See you~

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