Chapter 1 - Introduction

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It was autumn time, and soon there would be a short break before Christmas Term would begin, and then finally a holiday break for the big day itself. It was a nice thing to look forward to, at least in (Y/N)'s opinion.

Wrapped in her cuddly (F/C) coat with her satchel on her shoulder (Y/N) pushed open the heavy school doors, making her way down the echoing corridors.
Recent assessments and exams had left her drained of energy, but still she came into school early, not wanting to let her grades slip, something admirable.

Smoothing down her (H/C) hair, (Y/N) took a deep breath, pushing open the classroom door.
She was expecting herself to be the only student present this early in the morning, but she was surprised to find a new student sitting at the desk, filling out a timetable.
The student's eyes flickered up to meet (Y/N)'s, abruptly looking back down.
It was uncertain wether they were shy or just simply scared of you, but they made their hesitance apparent.
Worst of all, like a terrible cliché...
They sat next to you.

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