Assisted Living Owner Akash Brahmbhatt: Going Green

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One of the more recent and exciting trends taking place in the assisted living profession includes going green. All of the world's imagination has been captured by the idea that we can create self-sustained facilities that have been more productive and conservative than ever. The technology has gotten so reliable and safe, that even facilities that require medical monitoring and attention are beginning to trust in these greener systems.

One assisted living center in New Jersey is having nearly 430 solar panels installed on the roof of the building. This is estimated to generate on its own, 350,000 kWH of energy. It is for that reason many other facilities are following in the footsteps of New Jersey, creating better energy systems that rely on cleaner energy. Things like solar panels are superior to natural gas or nuclear powered plant systems because there is only a finite amount of natural gas on Earth, not to mention the kind that we burn to generate power does some awful things to the environment. The dangers of nuclear power are obvious as well, as they produce much radioactive byproduct.

It seems the future of assisted living is all about creating bigger, more spacious facilities that rely on cleaner energy sources such as that of the sun. The reason this is such a great step forward is because the sun generates more energy than the Earth could ever need, so using just a fraction of that energy can help us keep the environment clean while providing much needed power as well.

Akash Brahmbhatt is a professional entrepreneur who has owned his own assisted living center for many years now.

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