Chapter Twelve: Unwritten

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The woman who stood as tall as Dvina, straightens her back and shakes her head.

"It's someone sent in her place." Jolene answers.

Balthazara frowns and replies, "Well then what are you waiting for? Bring her in."

Jolene nods and leaves for a second and drags in... Dvina?

Dvina has her head bowed and her brunette hair covering her face. I couldn't be sure.

"Are you going to raise your face?" Balthazara asks.

Dvina shakes her head while still down. I felt a slimy feeling in my mind.

Klaus, are you okay? Nod if you are.

It sounds like Dvina's voice in my head so I nod slightly.

"Well might as well get this killing over with. Kneel."

Jolene shoves Dvina down and I feel my binds magically vanish.

Stay still Klaus. Don't alarm her.


Trust me.

Balthazara raises her staff and is about to swing it down when a blur comes and tackles Athena to the side.

Then the scenery changes and we are back in the dark forest.

"What?" Balthazara screeches in surprise.

Dvina stands up and lifts her head to reveal the face of the woman I love.

"That was a Secret Keeper, Balthazara." Dvina says casually while examining her nails.

Huh? How does she know about Secret Keepers?

Balthazara shrieks and thrusts her staff in Dvina's direction.

Fireballs rush toward Dvina and she ducks and rolls to the side. Missing the fire.

Then from behind Balthazara materializes a small girl, only looking ten years old, and the girl grabs Balthazara's staff and vanishes with it.

"Where'd my staff go?"

Dvina sighs deeply and walks toward Balthazara, grabbing the dark witch by the collar and shoving her up against a tree.

"Who are you?" Balthazara asks calmly like she wasn't being pinned against wood.

Dvina raises an eyebrow and calmly says, "You're dumber than I thought."

She releases Balthazara and steps backwards.

When Dvina stands proudly against the rising sun of the forest, the trees rustle and young woman approach her all dressed in black. So much that they could pass for the darkness themselves.

With what I believe to be Guardians and Secret Keepers on either side of her, Dvina lifts her right arm with her wand clutched tightly in her grip and says without hesitation,

"Get her."



The days soared quickly as I train new Secret Keepers and crown new Guardians.

Before I knew it a month had passed by without my return to the Academy and I couldn't be more miserable.

I miss Klaus.

That is the continuing thought that runs through my head these days. I do check up on him through the mark of the Secret Keeper. And he appears to be drowned in work more than when I was there.

Today there are no celebrations, no ceremonies, nothing. And yet my heart couldn't be more heavy.

I close the reflection of Klaus and look up at the sky before I ask, "Tiger, what are you doing?"

I hear a chuckle behind me and Tiger's heels click along the stone floor of the bathing room.

She comes to stand next to me and peers into the water.

"You miss him, don't you?" Tiger asks.

I don't respond and Tiger says, "It's natural for you to."

I turn my head towards her and she looks back at me, "You know Tiger, if I hadn't been discovered as the Ark Guardian, I bet you would have are a great one."

Her eyes light up at the idea, "Really? Me?"

I chuckle, which I haven't done genuinely for a while, and reply, "Really. You'd probably have given me a run for my money."

Tiger laughs as well and turn to leave, when the magic alarm goes off.

Tiger and I rush to the Guardian room and as soon as I open the door, the alarm stops.

The elder Guardian, smiles at me and then to the rest of the Secret Keepers and Guardians gathered around.

"Today we have discovered a new relic."

Gasps go around the room as the Elder lifts the lid of a small brass trunk.

Inside is a crown of jewels that span from the most beautiful Amethyst to the most dazzling diamond.

"This is the Crown of Ancients."

The Elder Guardian closes the lid and her voice echoes through the room,

"And the Guardian of it shall be chosen by our leader, Athena."

And that was the just the beginning.

TO BE CONTINUED.... In the next book...

"Guardian of the Dragon's Eye."



And that wraps up the first book of the series. The media is of Athena against the rising sun.

See you soon!

-Jackie Blake

The Guardian of the ArkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz