I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #9

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #9

I want you to fall apart like I did.

Iker couldn't believe with his own eyes what he was seeing. Surely she had meant for him to have seen it if she had been as so reckless to forget he told her he would be arriving home early. But why was the real question. Why would she be doing this to him? He thought it was in sickness and in health, till death do us part. Evidently it wasn't the case seeing as how she was leaving. "Why." Was the only word that came out of his mouth. It felt dry, making it hard to swallow his feelings. What had he done wrong? He had no clue. He wished for nothing but to find out what had caused her to decide to leave him like this. He thought they were okay! Inside he felt empty yet a great deal of pain was aching in his heart. Thankfully Odette wasn't here to witness this all. Sara scoffs lightly, still not believing how oblivious her husband was. "Sara whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please, I'm so sorry." He pleads with her, grabbing her hand before it could reach for the knob. Before she could leave him. "I'll make it up to you, I– I thought we had fun on the vacation? I thought–" Sara cuts him off by putting her hand up.

"Stop it Iker you're already making this worse than it is." She had had it up to a limit, and Iker constantly pushed past it more and more. She knew her patience with Odette was going to spread thin, eventually breaking. "You just went too far." Odette was cozy enough as it was in the house, but the nerve for Iker to have asked for the permission for her too stay even longer was the final draw. She had been invading their house for a long time now and it was evident that there was one reason she was sticking around: He liked her. Two months were enough. They were more than enough. But extending and extending her days here... it just peeved Sara off more and more. Iker looks into her eyes, pleading for an explanation. It broke Sara's heart for her to have made the decision, but not as much as it broke her to have to watch him everyday with Odette. He was abusing her whether he was aware of it or not. "I'll be waiting for you." Was what she left him with before shutting the door behind her. She inhaled deeply, struggling to keep back the tears. On the other side, Iker stood there awestruck. His mind still not wrapping around what just happened merely a second ago. The sound of an engine roaring to life brought him back to reality. Before he knew where his feet was taking him, he was running after her car that was backing away from the driveway. Sara's eyes were trained on the road behind her, ignoring his calls. She knew she had to do this, there was no way else he would learn.

Iker finally stopped chasing her when he reached the first traffic light, which was a good two miles from where he lived. Alone now. He watched solemnly as her car drove off further into the hoard of cars, further and further until it was gone from his sight. His heart heaved to catch his breathe and in sadness. Iker hung his head low before turning his feet. The question kept coursing through his mind over and over as he made his way home: what could he have done to force her away? It was answered the second he arrived back into his house where She stood. Iker was enraged at the sight of her. Odette, oblivious of the recent events turned at the sound of the door and smiled brightly to greet whoever it was. She didn't care whether it was Iker or Sara, she had the best news yet! She could finally go home! She finally raised enough money for a plane ticket, and enough to rent an apartment. Her dirty secret was that she could have done it a month ago, but she would miss Iker terribly and begged for another extension. Odette knew it was wrong, but she had an emotional bond with him...she loved him. It only took another month in attempt to bury those feelings and finally come out and tell him she could be out of there hairs. "You." Iker snarled towards the brunette. A frown was on his face, a facial expression she was foreign to. She was about to open her mouth before he grabbed her shoulder. "You ruined everything!" He yelled at her. Odette's heart broke, never had she expected Iker to act like this in front of her. "Out."

"What?" Odette looked into his furious eyes with confusion.

"I want you out of this house right now. Leave." In anger, Iker grabs her arm tightly before practically dragging her out of the house. She winces in pain when his fingers pressed deeply into her skin. "Don't ever come back." He slams the door behind her, leaving her outside where he wanted her. Odette blinks back the tears, she didn't know what was going on. Had she something to do with it? Was this because he's finally had enough of her? Was it Sara? Inside the house Iker rages on, pounding at the walls. When he reached the guest bedroom his nostrils were coated with Odette's familiar vanilla perfume. His stomach churned in the same weird manner it has been for awhile whenever he was near her, or thought of her, or seen anything that reminded him of her. It was her fault Sara's left him. It was her fault that the love of his life walked out on him. In a fit of rage, he violently opened the drawers where her clothes lie neatly folded and tossed them out onto the floor. He tore the bed sheets, tore the duvet that she curled under, overturned the bed she slept on. Iker destroyed every last bit of Odette he could find in that room because deep down, he had a knowledge of why Sara left. It wasn't Odette's fault, it was his own. He fell in love with a stranger he picked up on the side of the road. He was angry with himself for letting himself fall for her when he knew it wasn't right. With his wife living in the same house. "Dios mio." Iker slumps back against the door, burying his face in the palms of his hand. He silently sobbed not knowing what he would do with her.

Without... Odette.

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