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Death thinks it can take you away from me, but it doesn't know you will always live in my memory.

Maya scratched her sharp black nails against the rock ledge she perched on, her silver white fur shining under the full moon beside her. She sniffed the damp air and recoiled. Rotten. Just what she expected from dirty, arrogant dogs. She could smell them from a mile away...A whole pack of them. He must know I am aware of their offense, she thought. At least he's smart enough to come prepared. 

A wolf from her pack trotted up beside her. "We're ready," he reported. Maya nodded, her gaze unwavering from the soon to be battlefield. 

Makiel was her youngest brother of seven, with him being the seventh. He was slim and not built for fighting, but he had desirable intelligence and agility. His fur was white, a contrast to the rest of the pack's silvery coats, with black ear tips, paws, and tail tip. Although, his fur differed from the pack, he still had the same icy blue eyes they were renowned for. He was high spirited and kind and Maya's apprentice.

Maya was the only female in her litter, and she was the first born. She had to fight her brothers to gain her position as pack leader, and nobody thought she could do it, but here she is on the front lines of a battle, with a pack of wolves ready for her command.

Maya discretely turned her head and sniffed his scent for comfort. "Good. Expect nothing but a fight tonight, and be sure to tell everyone that Slade is mine," she growled.

Makiel nodded and turned to go, but hesitated. "Be careful, Maya," he whispered. 

Maya sighed. "I won't let my anger cloud my judgement," she promised. Makiel just nodded again and jumped down the ledges to report her commands.

Maya sniffed the open air again again... They were closer. She clawed the ledge with anticipation as the taste of revenge neared.

One year ago, around the end of spring when the days began to get hotter, Maya's mother had gone missing on a hunting trip. After two days of searching after her disappearance was even noticed, the hunting group was found, shredded on the East side of their territory. Their bodies were torn, ripped apart, and there were signs of them being eaten.  

Besides the smell of rot and blood all they found was a blood trail leading to a river. All other scent trails were covered by days of environment activity and prints in the ground were swept away with leaves. They concluded it not an accident at the least. 

Nine months later in mid-winter, a small pack of red-eyed and black-pelted wolves had appeared at the edge of their territory, asking for shelter for the upcoming blizzard. Reluctantly, Maya allowed them to stay. The blizzard lasted two days, leaving the pack and the black-pelted wolves hungry. 

After the wolves left, game was found dead all over the territory. The game was torn and ripped apart, for the most part picked clean but on recent finds barely half eaten. More of the black wolves were spotted around the territory as well. For nine months, Maya, her brothers, and the whole pack healed from the loss of their greatest leader, but when these killings and wolves appeared, the pack erupted with fury. 

Maya almost went crazy. All these months she thought she was healed... When really, she was waiting for something to blame. Something that the whole pack could blame. Makiel calmed her. He stood by her and snapped her out of her blood thirsty fantasies. She finally took initiative and ordered some members from her pack to find the dogs and to tell them to meet her at a clearing alongside the ravine on the west side of her territory. So I can push you all in it and watch you drown, she thought to herself.

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