Chapter 3:Back Home

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I called Pmon as soon as i got off the phone with Nicki so i can tell him what was going on and  tell him that i need him to book a flight for me and papi.

Pmon: Yo wassup , you alright?

Meek: Yeah I'm good. I gotta get back home though, Nicki had to take Amani to the hospital

Pmon: For real whats wrong with my little niece? She alright?

Meek: I don't know Nicki suppose to text me and tell me, all i know is she has a high fever and

I got cut off by my phone vibration and it was a text from Nicki "Hey baby the doctor said that Amani has strep throat and it will last for three days. I gave her some medicine to break her fever until i can go get the medicine the doctor prescribed her to take. See you tomorrow, i love you and have safe travels.😘❤️" I read the text and responded "Okay, kiss her for me and i'll be there as soon as yall wake up.I love yall." I sent the text and started talking back to Pmon.

Meek: That was Nicki who just text me, she that the doctor said Amani has strep throat and its going to last for three days.

Pmon: I hope my  niece feels better , so what you wanna do?

Meek: Thanks bro and  i'm about to get papi first, but you can go ahead and book us a flight.

Pmon: *sighs* Man you know Fah ass is about to trip out.

Meek: Man I'm not worried about her, i'm getting my son either way it go.

Pmon: Alright man, well i'm about to book yall flight . So go ahead and go get papi, security and all that will be there to get yall bags.

Meek: Ard, thanks bro. *hangs up the phone*

Author P.O.V

When Meek got off the phone with Pmon, he grabbed his bags and headed outside to his car. He locked the front door and then got into his car and sped off to go get papi. Once he arrived to Fah's house, he knocked on the door three times and Fah finally came to the door with a attitude. He knew she was going to be tripping like she always does.


Fah swung the door back and said "Why the fuck are you banging on my door at three something in the morning?"

I looked at her like she was crazy "Yo calm all that shit down and why you think i'm here, i'm here to get my son."

"He doesn't have shit pack and you could've called me. It's too late for him to be going with you somewhere any ways." Fah said while rolling her eyes

"Listen man, now is not the time. He don't need nothing, he got stuff at my house." I said while walking up the stairs to papi's room

"Robert you not taking my son no fucking where!" Fah yelled from downstairs

I looked back and kept walking up the stairs to papi's room. I walked in papi's room and picked up his spider man bedroom shoes and  then walked over to his bed. I pulled his covers back and carefully slipped his bedroom shoes on his feet so he wouldn't wake up. I picked him up, closed his room door and then walked back down stairs to still hear Fah basically talking to herself.  She then tried to take papi out of my arms. I swear she is so fucking crazy and childish.

"Yo chill the fuck out before you wake him up with yo bullshit!!" I semi yelled, making sure not to wake papi.

Fah finally just gave up and said " You're so fucking stupid and why we speaking of stupid, why is papi calling that bitch Nicki mommy?"

I walked up close to her and got in her face "Watch yo fucking mouth and that's my wife so deal with it. You better be lucky she not here because if she was she would be beating the shit outta you."  said

"Yeah whatever she ain't gonna do shit to me, trust me." Fah said while laughing

"Yeah alright, try some dumb shit and i promise you , you wont see papi again." I said while looking directly into her eyes to let her know i'm not playing.

I walked out of Fah's house as she just stood there looking stupid. Fah slammed her front door and I shook my head and kept walking to my car. Once I got to the car, I put papi in his booster seat and strapped him in and closed the door. Then got in the driver seat and pulled out of Fah's driveway and headed to the airport.  When we finally arrived to the airport,  I got out of the car and threw my keys to one of the security guards . The other security guard was putting my bags on the plane, so i got papi out of the car and  walked onto the private jet. I sat papi in a seat by the window and fasten his seat belt. Then i sat by him and fastened my seat belt to. When the plane finally took off, I was about to close my eyes but Papi spoke.

"Daddy, how did i get on this plane? Where is mommy?" papi asked

I laughed " I picked you up while you were sleeping and she's home."

"Oh, well why we on the plane this late? It's still dark outside, is something wrong dad?"papi asked

"Well Amani is sick, she has strep throat. It's when your throat hurts bad and you have a fever. She wanted you to come back with me, she doesn't know that you coming back and Nicki doesn't know either." Meek said

"I'm going to make my sister feel all better and i can't wait to see mommy Nicki" papi said with a smile

"That's good pap and yeah i cant wait to see her too." Meek said

"I love you dad" Papi said

"I love you too papi" Meek said

Papi then laid his head on my lap and went back to sleep. I then laid back and decided to go to sleep.

Author P.O.V

A few hours passed and they were finally  back in Atlanta.  The pilot walked over to Meek and tapped him on his shoulder "Good morning sir, we have landed." she said with a smile.  Meek then got up and looked at his phone and seen that it was now 6:30. He picked up papi and they both got off the jet and got into the truck. The driver put Meek's bags in the truck and when he finished , he got in and drove off from the airport. When they finally arrived at Meek and Nicki's house, the driver got out and got Meek's bag. Meek got out of the truck while carrying papi and  walked to the front door so he can unlock it and let the security guard bring his bags in the house. Meek said thank you to the security guard and closed the door and locked it.


I grabbed my bags with my other hand and walked up the stairs , i almost fell at least two times. I swear Papi sleep through any damn thing. Once i finally reached me and Nicki's room, i seen Amani snuggled up to Nicki's side with her thumb in her mouth and Nicki peacefully sleeping. I placed my bags down by the bed quietly and carefully laid papi down by Amani. I took Papi's slippers off and sat them by my bag, then i pulled the covers back over them and went to take a quick shower. When i got out the shower, i put on my boxers and some black  basketball shorts. I walked out the bathroom and laid by Nicki and kissed her on her forehead.

"Rihmeek baby is that you." she said softly with her eyes still closed

"Yeah it's me, go back to sleep baby." I said and gave her a peck on her lips

She then snuggled up to me and laid her head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and then went to sleep.

Please excuse any errors❤️

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