Preference 8: They Ask You Out

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A/N: I know, I know, this preference is a bit late. Shut up about it. Thanks for reading!

You were sitting on a bench, watching as Owen fed and trained his raptors.
"This one's for you, Blue!" As he walked away from the habitat, he smiled at you. That damn smile. The one that could make you hear the panties drop. You shyly smiled back.
*Time Skip Brought To You By The TARDIS*
Evening routine was going on, the park already closed, employees stayed at Jurassic World. You saw Owen standing in a parking lot with a couple friends. Hiding behind a tree, you tried to hear what they were saying.
"Yeah, I guess so.." You heard Owen say.
"Come ON, man! Ask P/P out!" A friend told him. Oh. He likes someone. I guess I can't ask him out now..
"I dunno, what if Y/N says no?" Your heart skipped a beat. No, you told yourself. He probably means a different Y/N. You heard footsteps, and saw his friends walk away. It was safe to come out. Stepping away from the tree, you saw Owen still standing there.
"Y/N!?" He cleared his throat. "How long've you been standin' there?"
"Uh, only a minute. So who's this person you like?"
"So you heard.. Well, uh. Y/N. Do you wanna be my P/Pfriend?"
You laughed at his slight nervousness. "Yeah. I do wanna."

Zach had asked if you wanted to hang out at the park. Being best friends, this wasn't unusual. So you said yes. You found him sitting at a wooden bench.
"Hey, Zach!" You sat next to him
"Hey! I actually wanted to ask you something here."
"Y/N, would you like to date me?"
"You're asking me out?"
"Y-yes.. Only if you want to."

"Hi, Y/N!" Gray waved to you as you showed up to his house for a play date.
"Hi, Gray!" He let you inside.
Playing with Legos and giggling together, Gray changed the subject.
"Y/N, do you maybe.. Want to.. Be my... Well, Zach says that a person you date is your bae. Do you.. Wanna be my bae?"
You giggled again. "Yes Gray! I would like to be your bae."
He only smiled and kissed your cheek.

Zara walked up to you while you were working. She was wearing a simple silver dress, and heels.
"Hey, Y/N!" She greeted you, perkier than usual.
"Hey, Zara!"
"You doing anything tonight?"
"..No, why?"
"Would you, perhaps, want to go on a date with me?"
You smiled. "That sounds perfect."

Your boss approached you.
"You have a letter, I was asked to give to you." You take the envelope from his hand, hesitantly thanking him.
Opening it, there was fancy writing on the top.
Hey, Y/N, I am busy right now, but wanted to ask you something. Would you like to go out with me sometime?
Seeing her later in the day, you told her an excited yes.

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