I burst out laughing. "Oh my God, are you serious? What kind of shit is that? I mean, is that supposed to make me mad? That's a compliment to you and a dig at my husband, both which are true! How stupid!"

"I'm glad to see you taking this so lightly."

"C'mon, Harry, what a joke. Besides, you're the one who told me to let it go, that they're not worth it."

"I know," he sighed. "I just don't appreciate them calling me. And at four in the fucking morning."

"I'm sorry, baby," I cooed, crawling on top of him. "You're just so damn charming."

Harry put his hands on my waist as I brushed his hair out of his face. It was dark in the room, but I could still make out his features. I could tell he was smirking.

"It's all your fault," I muttered between kisses. "You really should stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Being so desirable," I replied, making a trail with my mouth to his ear. "You make everybody want you. I can barely contain myself."

"You're trying to distract me, aren't you?" he inquired.

"Of course I am. I'm distracting the both of us."

"Good, 'cause it's working."

Delightedly finding Harry's erection, I rode him in the dark. This time it was over really quickly, but most likely because we were both so worked up. There's also something to be said for middle-of-the-night sleepy sex.

Afterwards we fell asleep again, managing to sleep until almost ten. Harry wanted to share the shower, but I insisted we take them separately. I remembered what happened the last time, and frankly, my body was exhausted. I told Harry to take his first while I cooked breakfast. He and his friends had already done more than enough for me, making bacon and eggs was the least I could do.

I had brought an overnight bag with me with a change of clothes, but probably due to my inebriation the night before, I'd forgotten it in Harry's car. He told me he'd retrieve it for me after he got out of the shower. So I wouldn't have to put on my smoky clothes I'd worn to the bar, I opened a drawer and grabbed one of Harry's shirts and slipped it on. I'd just dished out the eggs and put them on the table when Harry walked in shirtless, hair still damp. He gave me his winning smile before reaching his arm around me. He slid it down to the hem of the shirt, finding I had nothing on underneath.

"What are you trying to do to me?" he groaned.

"I'm making breakfast," I quipped. "And waiting for my shower and my clothes."

"Oh, I think you should just wear this all day." He rubbed my ass and nibbled my neck while I tried to pry him off of me.

"Harry," I swallowed. "Food's getting cold."

"Fine," he surrendered.

After breakfast, a shower, and getting into my own clothes, Harry and I actually sat down to spend some time on our Sociology paper. The next week was the final week before Thanksgiving break. After that, we only had one more paper to turn in before the end of the semester. Then I'd be saying goodbye to school for a while.

Zack came home around three, and I took that as my cue to get back to Penny's. Both Zack and Harry worked that evening. I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach, and I realized I was worried about who might show up at Mikado's. I not only had the mean girls to worry about now, but Justine and that stranger, and even James. For some reason I thought back to the discussion Zack and I'd had about Harry's ex-girlfriend Alison. I didn't want to be jealous like she had been, over-analyzing things. Harry was a big boy, and I trusted him and his judgment completely.

Harry drove me back to Penny's apartment and walked with me to the door. Zack hadn't said anything, but I felt like I owed Penny an apology and an explanation for leaving the bar earlier than planned.

"Hey, baby doll," she greeted as we walked in. She was sitting on the sofa painting her toenails.

"Hi, Penny," I said. "We're really sorry we had to cut out early last night."

"Oh, no problem," she waved her hand with the polish brush in it. "It was those girls, right?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

She rolled her eyes. "During our second break, I went to look for you, but someone else was at your table. One of the girls at the table behind it asked if I was looking for you, and I said yes. Then she proceeded to tell me that you left because her friend bought your boyfriend a drink and it made you upset and you screamed at her and stormed out."

"Oh gosh," I mimicked her eye roll.

"Then she actually...get this..." Penny dramatized the scene by lifting both her hands, fingers spread. "She leaned forward and whispered, 'But she's married so she doesn't deserve him anyway.'"

"Oh my God, what did you say?"

"I said, 'Baby doll, you're talking to the wrong person. Those are two good friends of mine.' And I walked off."

"Good for you," Harry voiced for the first time. I looked back at him and he put his hand on my back, rubbing it softly.

"Well we wanted to apologize. We didn't want you to think we just split," I said.

"No worries."

I kissed Harry goodbye, and after I shut the door, I took a seat beside Penny.

"Want a manicure or pedicure?" she asked. "Or both?"

"That sounds like fun," I replied, holding out my hands.

Penny began to file my nails before buffing and polishing them. I looked at her, feeling proud and grateful.

"Thank you, Penny," I muttered.

"Oh, you're welcome," she smiled. "I just got finished doing mine."

"I didn't mean just this," I spoke. "Thank you for everything."

Hope you enjoyed this smutty chapter. Haha. I think it was long overdue, don't you?

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