2.just getting started

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double update hell yea B)

Gerard and I were driving up the highway to his place.  It actually turned out that he lived on the North Side, where all the rich people live. 

We entered into one of the many gated communities in the area and he gave me more complicated directions.

"Okay, stop here." 

I urged my used Toyota Prius to a stop at a massive three-story house with a four car garage, pruned ivy sides, a perfectly manicured lawn, and wrought iron gate.  I tried to hide my shock that this kid, lived here. So he was cute and had this basement vibe about him and not to mention, he was absolutely loaded. The full package.

"Can I have your number," Gerard said jokingly," Just in case I need another taxi ride."

I took his phone and punched in my digits. Rolling my eyes for about the billionth time that night, I realized that I had fallen for the oldest trick in the book.

I tossed his phone back, "It's not a taxi ride unless you pay."

He gave me this sunshiney laugh and got out of the car. "Of course."  He slammed the car door and jogged up to the house without another word. What was I expecting; for him to throw me a crisp Benjamin out of those ridiculously skinny jeans? I hit my head on the steering wheel in frustration before figuring out how to escape the posh neighborhood.

Two weeks later I had almost forgotten about Gerard, and I was sitting in 1st period chemistry.  One of the school counselors came in and whispered into Mr. Nestor's ear.

He started to speak. "There will be a new student joining us today. I would like you all to meet..."

Truthfully I wasn't paying attention, balancing out equations seemed way more important than a new student.

"Gerard," came a smirked reply. "And if you're feeling adventurous, call me Gee."

"The only seat we have left available is by Mr. Iero in the back."

At the beginning of the year there was an odd number of people and I had chosen not to have a lab partner because I work better alone. Anyway, it was way easier for me not to make friends.

He slid in the stool next to mine, "So we meet again Frankie."

I jumped.  "Who do you think you ar-," he let the fact that it was him and not some random creep, sink in. "Gerard? What the hell? I thought you fell of the face of the earth or something!"

"Something like that, I guess. It's kinda what I do," he smirked.

"Is smirking what you do to?"

He nodded reassuringly; no words could describe the smugness on his face.

"Well then."

The rest of the school day went normally - for everybody else, I was stuck being the guide for a kid with dumb blue roots and a really cute smirk.  Stalking would not be the accurate word to describe what was occurring. I would rather be stalked actually, but since we had the one-in-a-million chance of having the exact same schedule, I was stuck showing him around.

I only got a break from the constant annoyance in Lit, where Brendon was the main focus of his attention. People with personalities like Brendon and Gerard do not mesh well. At all. It's like an overbearing jerk against a dominating prick.

" 'Sup Frankie."

" 'Sup Bren." We high fived. You could say that we were friends.

Gerard slid into a seat behind me, "Who's that douche?"

"He's not a douche. Where do you get the impression that he's a douche?" I said incredulously as the bell rang.

"Yeah, listen to him bro. I'm totally not a douche," Brendon entered the conversation. It was time for me to butt out.

"I would beg to differ, bro."

"I wouldn't be the one talking, you're the one with hair that looks like it's straight out of a crack house. I'm just looking for the track marks and shabby clothes." Brendon paused to stare him up and down. "Oh wait."

Gerard looked irritated, "At least I look my age, you look like an thirty year old man."

Bren did have a pretty thick beard for a junior. But I thought it was pretty hot, it made him look like someone you'd want to call Daddy.

"Keep talking Sonic the Hedgehog, let's see where this goes."

By now, everyone in class was watching the debacle.

"Real mature Mario, or would you be Luigi?"

Oh, God it kept getting worse.

"Do you know who my Dad is? I bet you wouldn't be saying those things if you knew. What does your Dad do freak?"

Brendon's dad was the districts' school Superintendent. It was kind of a Big Deal, or at least Brendon made it out to be that way.

"Shut the hell up, it doesn't matter what he does."

"Did I hit below the belt Sonic? Do you have Daddy issues?"

"Urie and Way quit it now," the teacher had finally spoken up.

Brendon sneered at Gee and turned back around.

"Nice first impression Mr. Way. I'm sure it will be a pleasure to have you in class with us."

"Same here," I heard him mutter.

The Blue Streaked Boy and Me| frerardHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin