Callen walked over to Hetty and Granger who had just entered her office, "Are you two joining us?" he asked.

Hetty shook her head, and handed him a black credit card. 

"No, my boy, Owen and I have our own paperwork to do, but you and the team enjoy, and I will see you all rested and rejuvenated on Monday morning."

Callen nodded and followed the rest of his chatting team, out of the building.

Waking up, his head hurt, and he couldn't see properly.

"Ow!" He reached up to rub his aching head, and stopped as his hand ran through hair that was longer than normal. "What the hell?" Eric's voice rang out. 

Callen looked around, but he couldn't see him. 

But he could see....Callen! 

Lying on the floor about a meter away, still unconscious.He scrambled away in panic. 

How could he be moving and still see himself on the floor? 

The other members of the team were still unconscious."Sam?" he called. 

Still it wasn't his voice he heard, it was Eric's voice.

Deeks moved, and looked over at him, "Eric? What the hell, man?" 

Callen sat up and looked down at his hands. "Deeks?" Callen stood up, still glancing over at his body on the floor, and surprised at how much taller, even if a little blurry, everything was.  

He walked over to a mirror on the wall.

"What the hell?!" It was not the reflection that he was used to seeing that was looking back at him. It was Eric's face and body, to go along with his voice.

Callen walked over to Deeks, his mind freaking out, but he frantically realized that he needed more information. He just compartmentalized his terror until later, when he could deal with it without witnesses. 

He looked over at the others, Callen...or whoever was in his body, was still out cold. 

Deeks was just waking up and Sam, Nell, and Kensi were still asleep. A cursory glance showed that they were breathing, and didn't seem to be injured.

"Deeks?" He said.Deeks shook his head, "It's me...Sam...what the hell, Eric, what is this?" Deeks' voice came out, and Sam clamped his hand over the mouth of the body he was in.

"It's me...G..." Callen said. "I think, maybe...we're dead and this is Hell. I'm in Eric's body."

"What the hell happened, G?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything after leaving the mission, you?" Deeks' head shook, "Damn!...he has too much hair!" Sam swore, as Deeks' hair got into his eyes.  "I remember going to the restaurant. We were served by that waitress...and you said... I mean Eric said he thought she looked like..." he trailed off as his memory failed him.

"I said she looked like our missing scientist." Callen's voice came from across the room. "Why do I sound like Callen?"

"Who are you?" Sam{Deeks} asked.

"It's me guys...Eric...I..." He stopped as he stood up, "Why am I short?"

"I am not short!" Callen argued back at his body. 

His face smirked back at him, then looked confused. "You can see?" his body {with Eric inside} asked him.

Callen shook his...{Eric's} head, "No..." he admitted, "I can't see a thing."

"Check my right-hand pocket." Callen put his hand in the pocket, and pulled out a pair of glasses, and put them on.

"Eric, you're blind!" Callen stated, amazed at the difference the lenses made to his vision.

"Na...although it is nice to not need them. How did this happen, and is it just you and me?" Eric asked.

Deeks shook his head again, "Damn..." he sighed moving the hair away from his face, "I should shave this off." Sam sighed.

"You touch my hair, and I'll shoot you," Sam's voice growled.

"Deeks?" Eric {in Callen's body} asked Sam's body.

" I stoned?"

"No...this, whatever it is, is all too real, I'm afraid."

"You know what's going on Eric?" Sam's body looked over at the body currently inhabited by Callen, as Callen's body raised his hand. 

"Over here," Eric said.

Finally, the girls moved and were groaning, "Nell? Kensi?" Callen asked.

Kensi sat up and rubbed the back of her neck, "Ow...what the heck?"

"Kensi?" Eric asked.

Kensi shook her head, "Of course not I'm...Holy Hannah, what's happened?" Nell exclaimed.

Sam smiled, "Hey, Hannah, now all we need to do is wake up my sugarbear."

"That sounds so wrong out of that mouth," Nell's body said, as she sat up, "God I hurt!"

Callen turned to Nell's body not thinking, "Are you hurt, Nell?"

"I'm Kensi, and I'm fine Eric."

He corrected her, "Callen."

"Well...Isn't this fun?" A woman's voice came from a speaker on the wall, "It looks like my therapy treatment worked."

Strange Saturday.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ