You're Going To Be Dead, And I Am Sick

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"E.J, stop following Miss McWright like a lost puppy, and get to soccer practice, I know Coach Reed isn't as nice as I am about being late for practice."

"We will finish this talk later." E.J whispered in my ear, and then he ran off.

"Like hell we will," I mumbled entering the gym, and headed straight to the locker room to change, but a group of girls stopped me. I knew two of the four that stopped me; one was Raven, the girl that threatened me about E.J on my first day. I studied the other three that were standing in front of me. There was a black haired Asian girl that reminded me of Karen. The second one is a very pale girl with dark eyes; to be honest she freaked me out a little. As for the other one, she had long jet black hair, very tan skin, and dark green eyes.

"Listen, newbie, you have been here less than a week and yet you seem to stuff your bra enough to get the attention of the Pollard brothers. Plus you have been bribed unto the team, because the coach thinks you can actually play, but let me tell you, I am not going to make your life easy. Ever been to hell, Van?" Raven asked, with an evil laugh. After she was done smiling, thinking she had insult me enough that I would walk away crying, I sighed and smiled right back at her. Her expression was full of confusion.

"For one, I might stuff my bra, but it’s better than putting plastic inside my boobs, like you do. Second, I don't give a damn about the Pollard brothers, it’s not my fault they took one look at you and then laid eyes on me, and saw something better. Third, I am on this team because I am better then you. Unlike you, I can win, were as you, can only run your mouth...You might scare the other team with your words, but with me, it only makes me want to hit you, which I will not hesitate to do...You know I haven’t been to hell, recently, but next time I do get the chance to go, I will make sure I say hello, to you." I started to walk around the speechless girls, but I stopped before I entered the locker room. "Don't ever call me Van again, and if you decide to call me that, make sure you have an ambulance on standby."

Hot, tired, and sweaty, was how I felt after practice. The coach made sure that we worked until we were about to fall over from exhaustion. After taking a shower in the locker room -when I completed the rest of practice- I sprinted out of the locker room, not forgetting to stare daggers at the girls who had done the same to me all during practice. When I walked outside, and was faced with heat- as hot as a dessert, or so it seemed. I thought if I jogging home, I would get there quicker, but I had very little energy to jog. So I ended up walking, and it seemed to take me forever. I was about to consider hitch hiking -which is something I would never thing of in a million year, need I remind you again, stranger danger...- but when I saw my street, I started to think there was hope in the world.

Okay there is something you need to know about me, I am a movie junkie. If I could watch movies 24/7 I would, it's just who I am. So after a long walk home, and a shower, again, I found myself sitting on the couch. I had already grabbed a handful of movies, now I was looking at each one, trying to decide on what to watch. I had gotten to the last movie, and saw that it looked very familiar to me, but I can't remember why...And then it hit me, I went to the movie theater with -a smile played on my lips, yep I am going to watch this one.- I stood up and put the movie in.

About mid-way through the movie, something makes me think how I can so relate to this movie. It was about a girl who moves into a town, and is blackmailed to be this guy’s girlfriend, because he says that it will make his EX jealous. Once I made the connection, I began to get really into it. I was shocked at the ending, the guy never had an EX, and he just paid her to be his EX. His whole motive was he wanted the new girl as a girlfriend, and she was in no way willing to be that. So he came up with blackmail and a scam. A light bulb in my brain came on, what if that's what E.J is doing? I then began to think about it...E.J is so dead, because the more I think about it, the more I realize I was set up. When I stood up popcorn feel all over the floor, crap I forgot that I had a bowl of popcorn in my lap. Even though I knew I should pick that up, before my mom gets home. I stepped over it and made my way out side.

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