"A date?" I say smiling.

"I don't know, your not really my type I think I'll have to pass" I say and he get closer and I swear you couldn't wipe away the biggest grins plastered on both of our faces.

"Not your type, that's too bad, guess I'll have to give that blonde Kara a call then, I bet I'm her type" he teases leaning in.

"Shut up and kiss me" I say when he's barely two inches from me and he does just that.

His large hands holding my face and leaning it upwards to meet his, the kiss is slow yet playful and breaks between Harry's smile.

"So I take that as a yes?" He says now standing next to be and nudging me with his bum.

"You're going to force the words out of me aren't you" I roll my eyes and Harry chuckles fixing his hair.

"You know it" Harry says holding back a smile.

"Oh Harry Edward Styles, it would be an absolute honour to go on a formal da-"

"Mom!" Harry interrupts me.

"I just went to the washroom dear, you really missed me that much?" Anne questions and my mother walking with her laughs.

We get into the car and spend the car ride in silence as our mothers talk about gardening tips and tools, boring the hell out of me.

When we get back our moms went out to the garden together because apparently they are really interested in gardening today for some reason.

"When will this date be?" I ask Harry because I didn't get to ask earlier.

"Tonight?" He suggests

"What about our moms? What do we say?"

"Just say your going to Tara's and I'll say I'm out with friends or something" he says and my heart stops.

Tara omg! I haven't spoken to her in so long! I've been so caught up in my own personal drama I haven't even thought to call her, and she has so much going on with Niall and stuff and I haven't been here for her to talk too because I've been too selfish. I'm a horrible friend. I'll have to call her as soon as I can.

"What should I wear? Where are we going?"

"I'm not too sure yet, just wear whatever" Harry spews a typical guy answer at me and I turn to go to my room.

I call Tara as soon as I get in my room 3 rings go by and I begin to think she's pissed and not going to pick up, my thoughts our silenced by the sound of her voice. Hello? She answers the call. "Hey Tara its me, I'm so sorry for not calling or texting you I'm such a shitty friend, it's just my dad came and called me a whore, and Harry and I- well we'll get into that later, and the house burned down, did you know that? Omg I haven't spoken to you about anything I can't believe I would-" "JENNA BREATHE" Tara silences me by shouting. "I heard about the house I just figured I'd give you some time with your family, I'm so sorry sweetheart" she says and I exhale and calm down. "You'll have to tell me about everything that's been happening but first I have to tell you about me and Niall"

"Spill!" I shout

"Guess who took a hot Irish boys virginity two days ago!" She gushes and I squeal.

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