Chapter 2

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Jenna's POV

I step into my biology class and I take a seat towards the back of the room, I nervously sit and wait for Tara to show up. This is so unlike her she is always on time for school, always so organized. Will she even show up today? I begin to worry as I tap my pencil against my binder. I look up momentarily to find Harry walking in the room surrounded by a bunch of jocks. I wonder if he had already met them before school had started or if he's just really good at making friends. He takes a seat with two guys James and Calum. I went to public school with both of them, they were always popular even from a young age everyone liked them, I recall kids offering the good snacks from their lunches to them in 2nd grade just to be able to sit with them at lunch.

A couple minutes have passed before the bell rings and Mr.Reynolds begins to write 'Welcome Back Students' on the whiteboard at the front of the class. He is very tall and muscular and decently good looking for a teacher, unlike most teachers at this school. He has brown eyes and deep brown hair styled up in the front with gel, he is wearing a navy blue button up shirt and black dress pants.

I pull out my cell phone and quickly try to look for Tara's number, I text her 'where are you!?!' Quickly before tucking my phone away.

"Hello class and welcome to grade 12 Biology!" Mr. Reynolds begins. "I wanna make it clear that there will be no tolerance for immature behaviour, you guys will be graduating this year, applying to collages and universities and it's time to kick it into turbo gear and start taking your academics seriously".

James and Calum and Harry laugh at Mr.Reynolds use of the words 'turbo gear' and Calum high fives Harry. Mr.Reynolds stops an looks directly at Harry, "anything you'd like to add Mr..?" "Styles. Harry Styles" he adds. "And no sorry" Harry says looking nervous and James nudges him for not talking back and Harry slouches in his seat.

"Well ok then, if that is all then I guess it is time to choose lab partners, choose wisely because they are going to be your partners for the rest of the semester, under no circumstances will you be switching unless - " I frantically look for my phone and begin spamming Tara while Mr,Reynolds continues talking to the class.
'we're picking lab partners hurry'
'I don't want to be paired with someone I don't know'
'where are you'
'why aren't you answering!!!!' 'Tara'

"Mrs. Hemsworth!" I hear and look up from my phone nervously. "Did I not make it clear enough that I will not tolerate off task behaviour" I don't know what to say, the class is staring at me but all I feel are Harry's eyes on me, Calum and James don't even bother to turn around and look at me but Harry does and I feel an intense amount of pressure building in my stomach. "If I catch you on your phone again I will confiscate it, and that goes for all of you, no phones in my class".

Everyone turns back to the front of the class but I notice Harry stare a little longer then the rest before he turns his attention to the front. "What was I saying.. Lab partners! Yes, please choose wisely everyone"

Harry's POV

Everyone in biology stands and quickly rushes to their friends pairing up and taking there seats, I turn around and notice Calum and James are already sitting together at their lab table.

I had only met them this morning after coming into the school. After getting my courses and locker number I approached my locker and started putting my stuff in it. Calum's locker what's to my left and him and James were hitting on this skinny blonde in an awfully too short skirt. The girl had focused her attention to me while she was flirting with James, he noticed and turned to me. He looked at me in almost a judgemental way but he had a sudden change in attitude when he spoke.

"Hey man I'm James, your new here eh" he swung his arm out to grab mine and we bumped shoulders and he pat my back. "Yeah I just moved here, I'm Harry" I said before he introduced me to Calum and Rachel. Rachel was hot I must admit, but I could tell right away what kind of girl she was, the kind who sleeps with half the school. She had shoulder length blonde hair with messy curls and lightly tanned skin. Calum was definitely a jock, I could tell straight away, he had light brown hair and blue eyes and the same skin tone as Rachel. He was wearing a white and blue Hollister top, and khakis. He seemed like an narcissistic douchebag if I'm being honest, but James seemed ok so I decided to stick with them for the morning.

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