Chapter 17

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Skylar's POV:

He grabs me by the hair and shoves against the wall. I cry out it pain.

"How dare you tell them what we did!" Gage yells. Tears roll down my face.

"I-I had to! I was in pain!" I yell back. He gets close to my face.

"I could've made the pain go away." He says in a stage whisper. I shake my head.

"No! Please Gage, just let me go!" I yell while kicking at him. I nail him in the leg and he hits his knees. His grasp on me loosens and I make a run for it. I run down the hall and slam into someone. They grab me under the arms so I wouldn't fall. I look up and see Riven.

"Riven?" I ask surprised. He doesn't look down at me, but keeps looking forward at where Gage is getting up.

"You little bitch!" Gage yells at me. I cower into Riven.

"Don't let him touch me again, Riven. Please." I say pleadingly. He lets go of me and walks  towards Gage. Gage gives him the most disgusted look I've ever seen.

"You must be that guy that Skylar was screaming his name out. You'll never-" Gage says but is cut off by Riven right hooking him in the face. Gage falls limply to the ground. Some blood pours out of his head. Riven turns to me and wraps me in a hug. I practically melt into him. "I missed you so much." I say. He doesn't say anything, he just rubs my back. I finally fall asleep in his arms.


I wake up to the sound of sirens and flashing red lights. I sit up confused and panicked. The door opens and Celeste runs in.

"Skylar!" She exclaims out of breath. "They're here."

Agent Sparks: Compromised (Book 2 of the Agent Sparks Trilogy) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now