Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Taylor you ready?!" I shouted through the bathroom door, banging on it.

"Be patient!" She snapped.

We were getting ready to film our next YouTube video (ill explain that in a moment). Taylor had this thing, where no one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE, could watch her put her makeup on. I swear, I choose the weirdest friends.

Anyway, back to the YouTube thing. Taylor and I always uploaded a video a week of ourselves either doing a dare (or telling a truth) that someone on YouTube asked us to do. Or we'd just talked to each other and film it, because, I mean, we're such entertaining people (not). We actually had a couple hundred thousand subscribers, and our overall account had nearly a million views. No joke.

So we were obviously a little funny.

Taylor stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes a shadowy grey, that actually looked stunning on her. "Your turn!" She grinned, smacking some makeup on my face before I could react.

I looked in the mirror. "I look like a panda," I joked. My eyelids were black, and I had no idea how shed gotten both eyes to match perfectly in a matter of seconds. Sometimes I wonder if Taylor has super powers.

"You look great!"

But, I mean, they didn't look half bad. Really.

I took my camcorder off of a shelf and hit the on button, flipping the little screen to face me, so I could see what I was doing and make sure I didn't look like a TOTAL whacko.

I hit record. "Taylor!" I screamed.

"Coming..." She flew onto the bed next to me, making me slide off and hit the ground with a loud thump, bringing the camcorder down with me.

Taylor picked up the camera and dusted it off, not worrying about me. Wonderful best friend.

"And that's what you do when your friend is hogging the camera," she batted her eyelashes.

"I was not hogging!" I scoffed, sitting up. "And I'm fine, thanks for your concern." I sat back up on the bed with her, pulling my knees into my chest.

"So," Taylor started.

"We're going to be telling a couple truths, and we're gonna do one dare!" I grinned.

"First truth..." Taylor pulled out her phone. "What's the weirdest thing that had ever happened to you?"


"From KittyKat69."

I snickered.

"You're so dirty minded, Connie," Taylor rolled her eyes. "The weirdest thing that has ever happened to ME..." She paused. "One time, I went to a One Direction meet and greet. So I asked Niall to kiss my cheek for a photo, ok--" she started waving her hands around. "And to give me a count down. I actually read about doing this somewhere on the Internet, so I thought I'd give it a go, since I'd probably never see him again. So as soon as he finished his countdown..."

"She turned around and his lips landed on hers," I giggled. "It was so funny to watch. All of the other boys' jaws dropped, and Louis actually clapped. Niall just looked a bit stunned after."

"So now I have a photo of me kissing Niall horan!"

"And a video. I video taped it."

The next few minutes were really boring (Taylor always chooses what questions we use for dares and truths, and she has a habit of picking bad ones), but once we got to the dare part, things got interesting.

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