Midnight Swim

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Chapter Ten: The Midnight Swim

Rogue came down to dinner just as everyone was gathering around. She looked over to see that there was an empty seat next to Remy. He was smiling up at her motioning for her to come and sit next to him.

Since there were no other seats available, she hesitantly took the offer. She remembered what she told the girls about liking Remy and she knew that was not true, she more than liked him but didn't know why. That was something electric pulling her towards him and she couldn't exactly explain what it was.

She was mostly silent during dinner, but she could sense Remy staring at her. A few times she thought his leg touched hers, but she shrugged it off as accidental.

In secret, she liked the fact that he kept looking over at her, but she would never admit that to anyone especially him. She wasn't all that hungry after eating at the mall, but Rogue was never one for dieting. She always burned it off in training anyway.

When dinner was finally over, she was glad. Being this close to Remy was making her nervous, and she feared she would do something stupid. She didn't want any cause for embarrassment, especially in front of him, so she excused herself early and ran up the stairs to her room.

She did have a reason. She bought four bags of clothes including a dress and wanted to get them put away. It was just an excuse, because she could do that anytime.

First, she put the dress in the closet looking for an empty dress bag to put it in. She looked at the dress and only bought it at Kitty's urging. It was black lace with a shag skirt and the right amount of cleavage at the top. It was elegant and sexy at the same time, and she usually didn't take Kitty's advice on fashion but she was right about this one.

She had no idea where she was going to wear a dress like this, but perhaps someday the opportunity would arise.

After she put the dress in the bag and hung it up, she emptied the second bag of clothes. There she found a few pairs of shorts and some tank tops. She barely ever wore shorts, at least not the last couple of years. With her powers, she was always afraid too, but even though she had some control she was still had fear.

She was so caught up in her task that she didn't even see that someone was in the doorway. She had taken out the third bag that contained the new undergarments she bought. She pulled a pair of black lace panties and held it up to the light.

She then heard a long whistle and , while turning around still holding the panties in her hand.

"Dat's gonna look real nice on you, Chere," Remy said and walked into the room. She looked down and just noticed she was holding her underwear in her hand. She quickly stuck them back in the bag and turned her back to him. She was blushing and didn't want him to see.

"Hey, is dare somet'ing de matter?" he asked as she shoved the bag under her bed.

"No, ah just didn't see you," she said, and then thought for a moment and became angry. "Why were ya lurking outside mah door anyway?"

"Wasn't lurkin, an' it was open," he said.

She had to admit to herself that he may have been right. She couldn't remember if she shut the door or not.

"So... umm... what are ya doin' here?" she asked very nervously.

"Jus' passin' by an' saw your door open," he said and came closer to her. "Jus'wonderin' what you were doin', dat's all."

"Ah went shoppin' with the girls, and ah was just puttin' it all away."

"So whatcha buy?" he asked, sitting on her bed. He had a way of making himself at home in her room.

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