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After Peter had left the tent you dosed off. While you were sleeping you had a dream about the shadow. It was chasing you through the jungle talking disorderly. You tried wake up but you fell asleep more and could feel your mind leaving your body. You fought back, but of course the shadow was stronger than you. Finally you ran into a clearing with big pixie tree. You tried to climb it. You were up about five feet when you fell to the ground. You looked up and saw that you don't fall off, you were thrown off by the shadow.
"What do want!" You finally said to the shadow.
He just stared at you. "I want you to keep away from Pan," he said in his cold, rough voice.
"Why is that?"
"Because if he dies Neverland dies with him. Including me."
"He won't die. He never fails."
"Then why are messing around with his web?" You paused.
"He was never that evil and he shouldn't be."
"But your the one that really wants him to kill a boy that did nothing." The shadow snickered. "And all for what? For you to stay with him forever?" You wanted to leave and wake. You tried, but the shadow was blocking it.
"Let me go!" You yelled.
"Never. You are going to stay like a ghost until Peter completes his task. You can watch and do nothing." The shadow flew into the air and disappeared. After he left you started walking back the direction you came from until you reached the camp. You saw that Peter was having a fire and Henry was dancing with the boys. You went into Peter's tent and went to the cot were your sleeping body should have been. It was gone. The shadow must have hidden it.
Peter's flute stopped playing and he came in. He too looked at the cot and saw your missing body.
"Dam it!" He said to himself. "The shadow must've done something." He walked out and started talking to Felix. Felix nodded and grabbed a few boys and left the camp. Peter him self stopped the dance and went over to Henry. You walked over as well and sat by Peter. He couldn't see you, but it still felt comforting to be near him.
"Now Henry, you see how important you are?" Peter asked. Henry nodded smiling. "Good because I need you to do something that only you can do."
"W-what is it?" Henry asked.
"How about I show instead." Peter stands up and starts walking with Henry. You followed walking beside Peter. You tried holding his hand, only your hand went right through him that shot a cold feeling throughout your body.
Peter had lead Henry to the shore where a tiny row boat was waiting. The both of them got in and start rowing out into the sea. You wanted to go, but there wasn't enough room in the boat. While you were thinking your feet started to rise from the ground. Of course, you were sort of like a ghost do you could fly. So, you hovered closely by them until they arrived at the shore inside of skull rock. You followed closely. Peter let Henry walk ahead to the upper space while Peter put up a shadow shield that prevent shadows, or people that cast a shadow, to enter. You tried to followed but the shield stopped you. You flew out of the rock and went up to right eye socket and watched. You saw that the hour glass had just enough grains of sand in it to last Peter an hour.
Peter and Henry made it up to the top when you heard another boat go into the rock. It was Henry's family. Your heart was racing. You tried to go through the eye and it was still holding you. You flew down and saw that they had Pandora's box. You had only seen pictures of it when you staying with the apprentice. It can capture anything with dark magic. Peter had one of the darkest.
You watch Rumplestilskin go up to see Peter without being pulled back by the shield. You flew back to the eye socket and watched. Henry was sitting around the corner while Peter waited for Rumple. He came up. They said some things to each other. Rumple was opening the the box. You could feel your heart racing faster and faster and wanting to be by Peter and save him. Out of nowhere the box appeared in Peter's hand and Rumple got sucked into the box. A rush of relieve blew over you.
Peter set the box down and brought Henry out of the corner. Peter said a few words and then enchanted his hand and pulled out his heart when the rest of the gang ran up.
"Dad?" Henry said. He looked like he was deciding between Peter and his family.
"Henry, please, you don't need to do this. It's all a big lie, you aren't saving magic. You're just helping him," his dad said.
"Don't listen to them Henry, they're lying. I'm the only one who's ever been honest with you," Peter said. Henry turned back at his family.
"I'm sorry I have to do this." Henry shoved his heart into Peter's chest and collapsed. Peter on the other hand rose from the ground and flew out of the socket. You followed not wanting to the Charming help Henry.
Peter flew fast into the jungle and to the clearing where the shadow had taken you in your dream. He flew to a thick branch on the biggest tree and sat down to play ip his flute. You say by him and he looked straight at you.

The Lost Girl (ouat Peter Pan x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя