Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey, baby." Harry smiled as Louis walked into his office, a bag from the bakery down the street in his hand. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to bring you some lunch, daddy." Louis blushed happily, setting the bag on an empty section of his desk. "Is that okay?"

"What a perfect surprise, pet." Harry cooed, motioning for the submissive to come sit on his lap. The younger boy did so, wrapping his arms around the mans neck. "How's your day going?"

"I finished ironing your shirts, and cleaned the bedroom." Louis hummed, turning in the doms lap to start taking food out of the bag. He pulled out two sandwiches and chips, separating both his and Harry's food on the desk.

"Very nice," Harry praised, rubbing at Louis' hip. They ate in relative silence, one of them breaking it every once in awhile to talk quietly about something. It was nice, and comforting in a way that neither had experienced before.

"Pet, could you do me a favor?" Harry questioned as Louis got ready to leave. The sub perked up at the request, nodding his head, eager to please. "Can you run and get me a coffee from the break room before you head out? Don't talk to anyone, they shouldn't bother you." Louis grinned, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek before walking out of the office and in the direction Harry pointed him in.

The building Harry worked in was very large, and Louis was in awe of it. There were little cubicles where people were working, and others standing in the halls gossiping and giggling. Some stopped what they were doing to look Louis up and down, and the sub had a feeling it was because they knew who he was. Who his Dom was.

It was a very pleasing thought to him, that everyone here knew that his daddy was taken, that he had a sub that he wanted to keep. That was enough for Louis, for now.

Once he finally reached the break room, he quickly began go make Harry's coffee. There was no one inside the room when he entered and he let out a sigh of relief. His daddy said not to talk to anyone.

"Louis?" The sub jumped at the voice, turning to look over his shoulder at the man in the doorway. He recognized him as one of them men from Harry's dinner a week or two ago. "Hey, it's good to see you again. I don't know if you remember me, my names Zayn."

"Oh, hello Zayn." Louis smiled politely, reaching for the sugar on the count in front of him. "How are you?"

"What a polite sub you are." The man purred, stalking closer. Louis felt a shiver of unease run down his spine at the words. "I'm very good, what about you? What are you doing here?"

"I brought Harry some lunch, and he asked me to get him coffee." The sub chirped happily as he found the coffee cup lids. He placed it on the cup before turning around and moving toward the door.

"Your daddy, hmm?" Louis flinched as Zayn put a hand on his hip. "Is Harry your daddy?"

"Y-yes sir." Louis was beginning to feel a bit frightened, attempting to move away from him. Zayn grinned, shaking his head.

"Sure he is." He moved his hand away and walked towards the coffee pot, just as a few more people walked into the room. Louis jumped into gear, speed walking all the way back to Harry's office, a little shaken up over the exchange.

"Hey baby, thank you." Louis relaxed at Harry's greeting, calming completely once the Dom pressed their lips together. "We'll go out to eat tonight, just you and me, okay? Go home and relax."

He couldn't tell Harry about Zayn, because the Dom would know that he broke one of his rules. The awkward exchange wouldn't have even happened if Louis had just listened to his daddy. So he kept quiet. It wasn't important.

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