The walls crash.

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Okay well havent updated in a while but my friends pushed me to do it so this chapter is dedicated to them!


"Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." -unknown.


They both laughed walking down the sidewalk.

Mostly because Natasha was trying to picture Clint wearing Steve Rogers suit and apparel instead of his own.

In between laughing Natasha just managed to get out "but.. But... Just imagine... You.. In Stars and Stripes?"

She lost it again in a laughing fit.

Clint just laughed it off rolling his eyes.

"Just be glad Im not the hulk."

They both laughed for a while then it turned to silence as they walked to the coffee shop.

The silence was strangely comforting.

Clint smiled to himself as he thought about Natasha's reaction if he reached for her hand right now.

She caught it though.

"What's so amusing?"

He shook his head and looked away.

"Nothing Tasha. Just imagining director Fury in Thors costume."

She laughed and they walked into the coffee shop.

"Ill order just go grab a seat." Said Clint as he strolled over to the counter.

Natasha walked over to an empty booth by the window.

Despite fighting aliens from Asgard the other week, this actually felt... Normal. Just a couple of helpless lovers getting coffee together.

Clint was the only one other than her that knew EXACTLY how she liked her coffee.


She froze.

Did she actually just think "just a couple of helpless LOVERS?"

She couldn't help the blood that rushed to her cheeks.

Clint carried their coffees over and said across from her. "Here. Just how you like it" he slid her coffee over to her and she sipped.

"Thank god for someone like you" she reluctantly said.

He looked up at her. "What do you mean someone like me?" He smiles teasingly and raise an eyebrow.

"You mean the amazing.. And not to mention sexy Clinton Barton who has intensifying inhuman senses, hence the name hawkeye, and has a perfect shot every time he shoots a bow and arrow?"

She laughed at this. She knew it was true. Shaking her head she said "no the amazing Clint Barton who seems to be the only person on earth that knows how I like my coffee." She winked.

The walk back home wasn't that eventful. Despite the lovely time spent together, which Natasha really enjoyed, she couldn't take the guilt she felt.

She needed to tell Clint. He deserved to know... Right?

Normally she wouldn't have acted like this. she would just put her walls up and shut the door, hiding all her emotions away from the world. but with clint it was different. she just couldn't hide anything from him without feeling the need to tell him.

While walking in Natasha headed straight for her bedroom not saying a word. She had been over thinking.

The silence that settled between them on their walks was the probable cause of it.

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