"Tay" he sighs and packs his toys away.

"Good boy" I praise and take all of his clothes off anyway and just left him in a nappy. Once the pizza arrived, we were all at the table and we used Blaine's old chair that you attach to the table chair to, which he didn't like, so Britt could sit in that while Blaine sat in his high chair.

Once we all ate, we double checked that we had 6 suitcases, 2 port-a-cribs, a double side by side pushchair and a couple of bag packs for the flight.

"You can put Britt's seat in the front if you want" I tell Santana.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yeah, I need to make sure Blaine stays awake" I explain.

"I'm sure if I ask Britt quietly if she can keep Blaine awake, she isn't really a sleeper unless you really tire her out" San explains.

"Ok, if you're sure, I just need Blaine to stay awake, until we at least get to the airport" I say.

"Trust me, this is Brittany, she can keep anyone up for as long as she pleases" San chuckles.

"Ok then, are we taking my car or yours?" I ask her.

"Is it alright if we take mine?" she asks.

"Yeah totally, I'll just get Blaine's car seat" I say. At the moment the kids were running around while we were sorting out cars and trying to fit everything in, so all we had to do was get everyone into comfortable clothes.

"Ill just put that there" I say as I managed to put Blaine's car seat in Santana's car.

"Lets go kiddos" dad shouts to everyone and we all head inside to change. Everyone else was changed except for Blaine, well, he was half dressed.

"Nearly done Blaine, just some socks and a jacket to go and then we're done ok?" I try and soothe as he was starting to whine. I look at the clock and its nearly 7pm.

"Look baby, we've got to get going ok?" I say once I finally managed to get his socks on, now just his jacket.

"Daddy" he whined.

"I know" 'Just an hour to go and hopefully we will be at the airport and Blaine can go to bed in his pushchair or something' I thought as I finished getting his jacket on.

"Lets hit the road" Finn calls out as we all bundle into cars. We got in the cars and headed down the road, where the little ones were laughing in the back.

"What are you two doing?" I chuckle slightly as I turn around in my seat.

"Unca 'urt, me an' Bwaine 'ake silly 'ictures" she laughs as she turns her mini iPad around to show me, where there were either random pics of her shoes or apart of Blaine's car seat or it would be a pic of her or a pic of Blaine.

"You two are crazy" I say and turn back round.

"She is definitely going to keep Blaine awake" I say, but only for Santana to hear.

"Told ya" she smirks. Nearly an hour later, we were 12 minutes away, but Blaine started to get fussy and I knew he was getting tired.

"Daddy" he whined.

"I know baby, we're nearly there" I try and soothe.

"E 'ired" he cries.

"I know sweetie, just a few more minutes"

"Nooooo" he sobbed.


"Bwaine wook" Britt says, trying to distract him.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now