Chapter Thirteen:News

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A resounding scream rang through the house.

 Andy’s Pov

                Andy and the BVB crew were on their way back from the concert completely wiped out.  The night had been good but in the back of his mind the BVB front man wouldn’t help but think about if Senna was alright in the very back of his mind. Of course when one is singing a concert they can’t be too horribly distracted.

“Hey man, what’s up?” Ashley asked as he sat down.

“I’m worried about Senna; I know she hasn’t been too well lately.”

“I’m sure she’s on the couch watching Pokémon or something with Tessa.”

Andy chuckled, “That I actually wouldn’t doubt. They do love those movies.”

                It was a short time of just random chatting before the guys arrived back at Andy’s house. Just as they all got out of the car and were on the front porch there was a high pitched scream. Fear shot through Andy as he recognized the scream to be Senna’s. Shooting through the door he was up the stairs and down the hallway to where the screams were coming from.

“Senna!” He yelled and burst into the room. There he found Tessa and Senna hugging and Senna in tears. “Are you alright?” He asked as he rushed over.

Tessa excused herself as Senna dried her eyes, “I-I have something to tell you…”

“What is it? Are you okay? Is this about your parents? How are Val and Chance-?”

Senna put a finger on his lips to quiet him, “I… we…” She grabbed his hand in hers and walked to the bathroom, “I-it’s… easier if I-I show you.”

When they came into the bathroom Andy’s eyes widened to see several sticks lined up on the sink counter. Andy wasn’t stupid; he knew exactly what those were. Unfortunately his brain was refusing to make words. In fact all he could think of was that he wasn’t even twenty-five and was going to have a kid. The thought scared him more than Andy thought it would.  “Andy? Please say something.” Senna whispered, her eyes big and worry was evident.

“I-I… have… I really don’t know what you want me to say…”

Senna backed away from him slightly, “I thought that you would be excited… I mean we did talk about having a family before.”

“I… I need time to think about this…”

“Andy, what is there to think about? This is our child here! What is there to think, because I can’t undo what is happening here!”

“I just need some time alone.”

“Then take all the time you need here… Tessa help me pack my suitcase for a few days!”

Andy’s head whipped around to look at her, “Senna-!”

“I don’t want to hear it Andrew.”

                Andy stood there watching as his now pregnant wife and his sister-in-law packed her suitcase. His feet refused to move even as they exited the room and left the house. Only when he heard the door shut did his legs finally give out. The singer hit the floor still in a trance, all he could think was my wife is gone… my pregnant wife is gone…

“Andy? We heard yelling and then Tessa and Senna stormed out… What happened?” Sammi asked gingerly.

“Senna’s pregnant…” He blurted out.

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