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  • Dedicated to Courtney (FearlesslyDancing)


I walked into the library in search of a book for my Defense against the Dark Arts essay. I didn't like the subject much, but I was determined to make good grades. I searched shelf after shelf, until I finally spotted a thick volume titled, Boggarts Beware: Your Guide to Ultimate Protection.

I reached up for it, and felt a tug on the other end. I pulled with all my might, trying to pry it free. When I finally got it in my firm grasp, and found myself falling backwards. With a loud thud I hit my head against the bookcase behind me.

"Are you alright?" asked a voice. My versioned was slightly blurred, but I could make out a boy about my age looking over me. He had unruly black hair, and hazel eyes hidden behind wire glasses. Lily, you're such a fool. I told myself. He took my hands, and helped me up.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy," I expressed, laughing. He gave me a puzzled look, examining me or injuries. "You must think I'm a bit deranged."

I caught his eyes, and fell silent. He was just as mesmerized, his hands still circling mine. He bent down quickly, and snatched up the book I had dropped.

"I think this was yours," he said, handing it to me.

"No, no. You keep it. I don't need it anymore," I stuttered, awestruck. "I'm Lily." 

"James. James Potter," he introduced himself.

I began to back away, cautious enough to not trip. I walked out waving, and ran into a boy who was in my year. His hair was thick and black, his eyes wide and innocent, and his lips quivered. 

"I'm so sorry," I told him, searching him for any cuts or scrapes.

"Not a problem at all," came his quiet reply. I smiled sympathetically at him, and strode down the hall. Lily Potter.


Walking through the library to find a decent potions book, I spotted her. Lily Evans was absolutely breathtaking. Her skin was fair, her auburn hair tumbled just past her shoulders, and her smile could light up a room. We were both first years; I was put in Slytherin, her Gryffindor. She was amazingly kind, and this lead many to believe she was a Hufflepuff when first meeting her.

I knew I should go introduce myself while I had the nerve, so I started to make my way over. James walked up behind me, and tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped, unaware that he was behind me at the time.

"Watch yourself. People will start taking advantage of you if you continue to act like a baby," he said, laughing. "Would you by any chance know where a good DADA book is?"

"S-sure. They should have a few on the other-er side of the bookcase over there," I told him, pointing to the case that Lily was making her way over to.

He walked over to the bookcase, and examined the ancient titles. Finding a novel on the opposite side of Lily, he tried to pull it out of the shelf, but it wouldn't budge. I saw Lily smile in triumph as her book came free. She fell back, and hit her head on the table behind her. James went around investigating.

I saw him help her up, and looked at the passion the passed in their eyes. It was too much for me to bear, and I left the library immediately.

Remembering that my essay was due tomorrow, I turned back to grab a book. I was shocked to see Lily walking directly towards me. I didn't know where to go, so I stood there. We collided in a matter of moments.

"I'm so sorry," she spoke with her kind, sugar coated voice. Her green eyes bored into mine with concern.

"It's not a problem at all," my quiet voice told her. She smiled a little in sympathy, and my eyes never left her until she was out of sight.

"I reckon she'll be mine by the end of seventh year," said James. I turned and looked at the boy who had crushed my chance at love.

"I bet she'll still think you are an arrogant snot," I told him, snidely.

"We'll see," he replied.

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