Chapter 15: Austin

Start from the beginning

"'Bye, Austin. Love you." Austin's mom mumbled, keeping her gaze locked onto the steering wheel; she wasn't quite here anymore, if you understand. Austin gave a swift nod of the head, before realizing she wasn't looking.

"See you later, Mom. I love you, too." Austin replied, with a slight cold shoulder. Sure, he meant the words, but his mother's detached-ness was getting old, and Austin wanted his mother to be his Mom again.

Clambering onto the bus, Austin whirled into one of the front seats, so that he never had to deal with the loud, migraine-giving students in the back. They always picked on him, shoved him (if they could), tripped him, and threw paper balls at him.

Sitting in the front gave him the advantage, because it was then a short trip to get to his seat, and a short trip off of the bus. At the seat he was at, he also couldn't be tripped to easily, unless one of them sat in the 3 rows in front of him - but they normally didn't.

Tittering of girls from behind him made Austin's head whirl around, to find himself eye to eye with Simone. Oh God, please let this bus ride seem short.

"Hey, big boy." Simone cooed, but Austin shifted in his seat with his back to the annoying brunette. He heard a scoff from behind, and Austin smirked; was she really that offended that he didn't drool over her?

"I think you mean, 'Hey, big boy.'" The girl with red hair squeaked from behind Austin, before spilling into a fit of giggles. He clenched his jaw, and tried to blink away the tears pricking in the corners of his eyes. You can fight this, A voice grumbled from within him; it sounded like his father. You are worth so much more than them.

Austin turned back to them, a fire raging in his dark green eyes. But when his lips parted to speak, it wasn't his voice that came out.

"Oh give it up, Theresa. At least he could spell 'big'." A voice bubbled up from the aisle behind Austin, and he turned to see who it was.

Dark skinned, bruises were all over her skin like warts. Dark brown eyes glared deep into the red-head's own blue ones, with such a hate that if looks could kill, she'd be dead. Dark hair was in a smooth ponytail sleeked against her head.

The girl was pretty; but not quite like Jennifer.

Before Austin could speak, the girl had plopped herself into the vinyl seat, next to Austin. Austin himself was seated next to the window, so that there was room for her.

The red-head, who Austin guessed was Theresa, piped up again, once the African-American girl seated herself next to Austin. "Wow, Debby, I wouldn't have guessed that both of you could fit into one seat! It's a Guiness World Record!" Theresa laughed really hard after saying that, and Simone's throaty laugh echoed too, through the bus and the girl next to Austin rolled her eyes.

Austin shrunk down into the seat - even further down than before, if it were possible. Squeezing his eyes shut was his best defense move, not wanting to be caught in the middle of it.

"You know my name's not Debby, so why do you use it? Is it easier to speak than 'Deborah'?" The girl next to Austin spoke with a challenge. Wait, this was Deborah? The Deborah? "But shouldn't you be used to using your mouth more than you normally should?" Deborah spat, and Austin grinned at her come back.

Theresa gave an evil grin, much like the Cheshire Cat. "No, because you remind me of Little Debby, with how much you eat that stuff," A wink was thrown to Deborah with a pat to her own tummy, and Deborah balled her fists in frustration. Theresa kept going. "Oh look! Now she's just like her daddy! You know what they say, 'Like father, like daughter!'" Deborah puffed out her cheeks, unclenched her fists, and turned to face the front of the bus again.

Austin could tell her father was a sore point to Deborah, and tried to keep from prying into her business; his respect left him, and curiousity got the best of him. "Do you want to talk about it?" Austin inquired, cocking his head to the side.

Deborah's head turned to Austin so fast, you'd think she'd gotten whiplash from it. "Do you honestly care?" She spat, and Austin felt himself wanting to melt into the green vinyl seat again. Deborah noticed this, and softened her gaze. "Well, I honestly loved my father. But, it was when he was drunk, you know? The alcohol was in his system, and the emotions inside of him were a turrent. His own family had fallen apart, and it gets to you, you know? When your family breaks apart, it's hard to live down... it's hard to forgive, or even love."

Should Austin mention his own parents? Austin had only known her for these five minutes, but all of the rumors made him feel like he could trust her. "Yeah, I get what you mean," Austin murmured, keeping his voice low from Theresa and Simone. "My dad walked out of my life only 3 weeks ago." A sharp breath being taken in by Deborah caught Austin by surprise. Did she honestly care about Austin's family?

"I'm so sorry," Deborah breathed out, sorrow brimming in those big, brown eyes. "But since we're spilling our guts right now, I have to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Deborah James. What's your name?" She stuck out a scarred hand, old cuts out for him to see, in a handshake.

Austin took her small, frail hand into his big, meaty paw of a hand, and shook. A smirk crept up on his lips, and he spoke just as loudly and proudly as she had. "I'm Austin Millards," While feeling proud and outgoing, he added: "And I think, that we will be good friends."

Deborah gave Austin a sly smile.



Well, the beginning of the chapter was REALLY depressing, but that was because i was pissy today. OOPS! bad language. sorry; but still, nothing seemed to go right today... or at all thisweek, i might add.

earlier in the week, i almost lost my retainers, b/c i got my braces off two mnths ago(about $300 right there). then i got to choose which high schoool i want, and half my friends are mad cuz i didnt choose the school they going to. my DAD got mad at me for not choosing that high school too, and disowned me and my mom(cuz she agreed w/ me) so i read my moms texts and she'd threatened a divorce on him. also my sister and i fought like we do every week, but this was big. and she got sick so i had to carry her stuff to her teachers at school for two days. THEN i got up late this morning, and planned for a shower so it was cold and quick. then in math, one of the classmates was teaching and had no idea what he was doing, so i got lost and confused on the huge homework assignment. and my sister and mom fought this afternoon (again), and my mom walked out of the house crying....

SO. that's my life... about every week. HOw's life back at your house? i hope it's not THAT bad. Andddd, guess what else happens to be this week? Mother's day?! Yeah, but i swear now every mother's day depressing for me, cuz on May 12th it'll be one year since my grandmother died! yeahhh.

SORRYYY for the long note, but if you read the whole thing, you are amazingness and i hope you liked this chapter. XD AND, on the side is "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls if you havent heard it. Byeeeeeeee lovely dovely'ss <'3>

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