
138 4 0

You've done it.
You've cracked me.
Now what?
Are you just going to
Sit and laugh at
How broken I am?
Go ahead.
Swim in your success.
But what then?
What happens when
You realize
You've killed me?

I'm so fucking stressed okay

I'm under a lot of pressure and everyone thinks I'm some kind of fucking superhero and I can't deal with my life right now

First, there's SO much homework, and none of the other classes have nearly as much as mine. I don't have enough time to do it all because I take classes in the evening and each one is 1-3 hours long.

And MY FUCKING MATH TEACHER thinks it's okay to give his class two. Tests. In. A. Row.
So now I'm stressed because I didn't have enough time for homework, rehearsal, AND studying for 2 tests, so I took them without studying and ugh

I'm also dealing with my personal shit, which basically consists of trying not to cry 24/7, crying anyway bc I fucking hate myself, and crying because of stress.

I'm just really alone and I feel like shit, so if anyone wants to talk, pm me here or on insta (@ yuisenpaii).


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