Chapter 15- Used Tissues & Soft Thank-you's

Comenzar desde el principio

"Alec, that was so wrong of you to do! Writing that note to her." Her voice faltered under my gaze.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I exploded. Teachers glanced at me.

Stacey shook her makeup cakey face and walked away on her clicking heels. Stacey is that type of girl that would wear neon knee high socks with yellow 3 inch heels. Let's just say, shes special.

"Alec!!" I heard a frilly voice say.

It was Olivia, bouncing to me. Chris and Adam high fived each other in a dissapointed way.

"On Sunday, my parents are out." She said, flashing me a quick wink.

My back tensed, as Adam gave a wolf-whistle. I kicked him behind me.

"What about it?" I said.

She smiled.

"Oh, we could have some fun." Her voice dripping in artificial sweetness.

This time, both Chris and Adam gave a wolf-whistle. I wonder why I ever chose these two idiots as my prank mates.

 "Well, I'm busy on Sunday." I said a matter-of a-factly.

She frowned.

"Humph. Well okay." She said.

She turned on her heel and walked away, swaying her hips while doing so.

Truth was, I didn't have anything to do on Sunday, but I know how Olivia is. She uses someone like a tissue. Once she's done with them, she throws them away.


Florence is different. I get that girls have their own phases (I've done after school health class, don't ask why) but Florence is too strange. She's starting to show up at the bonfire party's, wearing expensive clothing that's too tight on her, and has her hair boringly straight instead of her curls. Yes, I should like a freaking stalker, talking about her appearances.

In the hallway on my way to gym, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Florence.

"Look can we just talk?" She whispered.

I nodded, and we walked over to the water fountain.

"I just want to say thank you." She said softly.

"What for?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Just you know, being there for me." She said, her eyes welling to tears.

Florence never cries. And when she does, there's something wrong.

"Florence, what ever I'm being blamed for, I didn't do it." I told her.

Being the stubborn one she was, she shook her head.

"I just don't know Alec." She said.

For the shortest time, I noticed our heads were getting closer, our lips just an inch apart and-


It was Stacey.

"Well, I'll just let you guys continue.." She trailed off awkwardly.

Then she shot Florence a sly wink, and me a nod of a head.

"So.. you wanna come over to mine today?" I asked hesitantly.

She thought for a while.

"Just.. No thanks Alec.." She said.

And then she walked away.


Hey Guys!

How'd you like Alec's P.O.V?

I hope it wasn't too cheesy.

Also, I might be wrapping up this book in about 5-9 chapters, and something unexpected happens.

Like really unexpected.

Also, who do you guys like better:

Alivia (Olivia+Alec)


Alence (Florence+Alec)

Tell me who you think!

So if it isn't too much please:



And Share!

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