Cloud City

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"Hello citizens of Cloud City. For those who have been uhere for a while, I hope life continues on well for you. For those who have just come here, I hope you enjoy our lovely home! Here above the clouds it's always sunny! We have the normal leisures of normal life, but we have more. We have cloud trampoline, water crystal pools and much, much more! I'm sure you all read the leaflet you were given at the golden gate, if you read correctly, this next bit of news will be old but hopefully still exciting. For those who didn't, well... You're in for a treat! Cloud City is home to... Gods, goddesses and mythicals! We hope you enjoy your stay!"

And with that, the microphone turns off.

"Well done Miss Pyrrha! An outSTANDing introduction, as normal!"

"Thanks Jay." Pyrrha smiled politely at the butler who went by the name of Jayden.

"Now then, now that that's over, oh-. My, my! I'm impressed Miss Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha looked at Jayden confused.

"You've completed today's agenda early! And you have your six month holiday from midnight!"

"Hehe! Well, I sure did work for it!"

"Indeed you did! Now you best get packing, but if I'm not mistaken, your father wants to speak with you before you leave. He seemed very... Serious."

"That's okay Jayden, I'll see him on my way home." She smiled at him before waving goodbye. Jayden returned the wave.

She walked home happy as a little bunny who just got its first cuteness level, if that even makes sense


Pyrrha walked up the stairs to her fathers throne room, then again, could you even call it a room? There's no walls or ceiling, it's just cloud and a giant chair.

"Ah, Pyrrha! I've been waiting! What took you so long?"

"Err... I got stuck in a crowd of kids on the way home. Hehe.. You know what the kids are like! Right?"

"Ho ho! I most certainly do!" Her father chuckled. "Now then! The reason I brought you here."

"Yes, Jayden told me it was serious."

Just like that, her fathers eyes turned from a light, fun blue to a dark, serious grey.

"As you know, our fortune teller has not been feeling good things recently. So I decided to see for myself. Turns out her eyes weren't capable of seeing such horrors!"

"What was it father?"

"It's as your great great great grandmother predicted."

"Hmmm... Wait, which prediction."

"Pyrrha. They're coming."

"Oh, that one was just a story wasn't it?"

"Clearly not. However, there was a ray of sunshine and in closer inspection, it's was eight letters."

"Father, what were the letters?"

"'Team POMM.'"

Pyrrha thought to herself for a moment. She had an idea of what it was, but had no clue if it had anything to do with it.

"Nope. No idea."

"You were down on ground, with three people. A girl with white hair, a boy with brown hair and then..."

"Come on??? Who's the last person?? I know who they are but who's the last-"


Pyrrha's eyes went stone cold and she froze on the spot.


"'Fraid so."

"Aw man! So team POMM is Pyrrha, Oregon, Mia and Mike. Seems legit."

"Well, you should go let Oregon know, then pack your survival stuff. Once you've done that just head off and get the other two."

"Okay! I will!"

"And DONT leave Oregon here!"

"Ugh! Fine..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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