Chapter one....

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So I decided to dedicate this chapter to ChocolateFrogs because she LOVES Supernatural just like me and her name is Toni (the nickname that the main character is given and she hates it but hers' is spelt with a y instead of an I) which I thought was so cool that I acutally picked someone's name on here for my fictional character by total randomness and that ChocolateFrogs loves this story so far!! So thanks again for the wonderful comments and votes!!! :)


Chapter one:

“Evelyn get up, you’re going to miss school!” called my mother.

I sat up in my small twin size bed, wiping my hair from my face and opened my eyes. I looked around my tiny room and I guess it would look like a typical teenager’s room: clothes- clean and dirty threw about, shoes that littered the floor, a small bookcase (that held my favorites copies) along the left wall right beside my closet door, there was a small dresser- with makeup, my purse, car keys, and school books stretched across its surface- along the right wall, and a huge mirror above the short dresser.

Oh what I wouldn’t give to just stay home. I was a senior this year, which is supposed to be the year for teenagers, I however could care less.

I was the head cheerleader, because of my mother’s wishes telling me that it would look good on my college resume and that she used to be one back in the day, and I also was the most popular girl in school- it did not matter to me that I was those things. I know every girl wants that, but I hated it.

Every day I put on a mask to hide my face and show everyone that I was happy even though I was miserable on the inside. I needed a change, something exciting in my life instead of the same boring things every single day.   

“Evelyn Antoine Daniels!” she yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Yep that’s my actually name folks, weird I know. Mom tells me that my first name comes from one of my grandmothers that lived in the late 1800s.

“You don’t want to miss today not with the pep rally and the game tonight, with it being homecoming and all,” she added in a cheerful voice. My mother hardly ever yelled anymore unless she had to, not ever since Dad went missing on one of his usual conference meetings in Canada- where the cops found his body a week later in some forest, his body torn to pieces.

I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom straight across the hall to start my miserable day once again…

“Hey Tony!” called a girl’s voice behind me as soon as I had walked through the double doors.


Oh great not her. Why couldn’t I ever make it to my locker before she always found me? I wished that she would call me by my real name and not the nickname she assigned to me because she told me that my real name was too difficult to pronounce. 

“Oh hey Pen,” I replied as I turned around facing the girl with long dyed white blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She was taller than me and very skinny with a sun kissed fake tan. She told me she only eats once a day, fearing that she is fat, and wants to keep her cheerleading figure. She’s one of the co-captains and believes that she is my best friend. But I know the truth, she hates me because everyone else likes me better so she hangs out and pretends to be friends with me to remain part of the popular crowd. Everyone hates her really because she’s nothing but a boyfriend stealer and runs her mouth about people. May I present Penny Lovelace, one of the most bitchest girls that you’ll ever meet.

Please don't forget me....        (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now