"My parents didn't even care about how I felt moving states so the rest of the day was spent packing and crying with Ally about having to leave, I only had time to call the diner and quit my job."

"Then what happened?"

"I was completely alone in California. I didn't know anyone and school was horrible. It wasn't bad in the sense of bullies or anything, it was just so lonely and everybody already had their friends so I didn't really fit in.  It was like that for a long time, I would get up, go to school, get home, do chores and go back to sleep. I would always go to the beach during the week and it was amazing. The ocean was blue and the breeze was refreshing. It was like a little get away, you know?"

"I remember it so well; one day I just walked up to my mom and told her that I was really lonely and I needed to move back to Miami because at least there I had friends and she went mad. She kept saying that they give me everything and I still acted like a spoiled brat. I was really upset so I went for a walk around the promenade. I think that was also one of those moments that change your life."

"I was walking along, feeling the wink hitting my face and minding my own business when I heard somebody shouting. I didn't even think to move, the next thing I know this skateboard is hitting me right on the shin and it was so painful that I almost fell down. I felt a pair of big yet feminine hands holding my arms, keeping me from falling and when I looked up, it was like every breath I had left my body completely. It was her."

"She shot me the megawatt smile I adore and I could have sworn I'd fallen in love right there and then. I thought I was dreaming, surely this couldn't be real; destiny wasn't this good and my luck wasn't this amazing. I was right; after we said our hellos, she told me that she was only here visiting friends, she would leave soon. I slumped a little but I don't think she noticed."

"She asked me if I wanted to hang out and obviously I accepted. We went to the ice cream parlor just off the street and she told me her name was Lauren. I loved it. It suited her perfectly.

"After a few hours of just talking and getting to know each other, I found out that she lived in Miami with her parents and siblings. She's older than me by a year and very gay, according to everybody around her! I didn't tell her much about me or my home life, afraid that she would pity me or be friends out of sadness. I just told her the reason why I moved to California and I apologized for not being able to have said goodbye. The time we spent together was perfect. I was aware that it was ending and it made me a little sad, so imagine my surprise when she asked me to hang out the next day!"

"And then they fell in love and moved in together and had a baby, the end. It's past your bedtime monkey, get some sleep," Lauren said, turning off the light and practically dragging Camila out of the room, leaving the door ajar.

Camila groaned and pouted adorably. "Bye baby, sweet dreams," she called out before she left.

The two made their way to their bedroom, closing the door behind them. "I love hearing your side of things," Lauren gushed, getting into her side of the bed.

Camila left their on suite bathroom and joined her wife in bed. "I prefer your version baby." Camila cooed, "especially the one where you told me what happened while I was in a coma after Sasha was born."

Lauren smiled. "I don't, that was the worst time of my life, I never want to see you like that again, you got me?"

"I gotchu babe," Camila winked and laid down, her back to Lauren's front. Lauren snaked her arms around Camila's waist and nuzzled her face into the brunette's neck.

Memories and Happy Endings (Camren)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu