No wait, scratch that- not even death could free the Winchester's from the hunting life.

Sam was so over this shit.

"Honestly though. I mean, you both should have died a while ago, all the shit you guys have faced, but you damn Winchester's are way too stubborn to die. Not that I'm complaining about that or anything, but I guess the world's way of screwing you over. I dunno how you've managed to MacGyver yourselves out of so much crap." Gabriel muttered as he popped a new candy into his mouth.

Sam shrugged and shook his head, words failing him. Gabriel was totally spot on with that statement. They died way too much. No sane person ever got to say that. After a minute, Sam finally croaked, "Winchester family curse I guess."

Then, the room fell into a long, strained silence. There was no debating that Dean and Sam's lives were so beyond fucked up.

Sam ignored the doubt in his thoughts and fought to focus solely focused on his brother. He contemplated Gabriel's words and realized just how right he was. Sam had personally witnessed Dean dying over and over again (well over a hundred of these times cause by Gabriel himself), but somehow or another, Dean always came back to life. Family curse be damned, he was going to get Dean back.

Sam loved his small, broken family. For him, family was so hard to find, and usually ended in tragedy, but Sam wore his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see. If- no, when, they managed to get Dean back, Sam wanted to get out. He wanted out of the life for good. He was done with watching his family die. It sucked, all he wanted was to be normal, but normal never seemed to work out for Sam. Maybe if he got his brother out of the life too, the dust would finally settle. The last couple of years of hunting had been torment. Sam was tired of sacrificing his and his friend's happiness. He needed something better than this, or what was the point? Why was he still fighting when he only caused more pain? Trying to fix things only broke them more. Sam was ready to be done with this.

All Sam wanted was a big happy family, Gabriel in his bed at night and Dean and Cas close by, no monsters, no demons, just the apple pie life. Maybe he and Gabriel could get a dog maybe, adopt a kid, something. Sam wanted to something better. He wanted Dean to be back to normal, no more premature PMS-ing from his brother. Dean was already hard enough to handle as it was, he didn't need to PMS on top of that, good thing he wasn't really a chick. Sometimes he was sure that he bitched more than a normal girl did.

Sam should have known that his current family structure would crumple sooner rather than later. Family and hunting weren't something that was supposed to go together. Hunting was a war, everyone knows that you shouldn't take your family with you to war, not if you're willing to lose them. Sam had just hopped that maybe, just this once, something substantially good would have happened. This had all just started out as one stupid witch curse, normal stuff (well for them anyways). Sam just hadn't expected things to spiral this out of control. Who knew that trying to break the witches curse on Dean would become such a huge problem?

How many times would he have to lose his brother before things finally just stopped? Sam couldn't life without Dean. He couldn't have his happy ending, without Dean, or at least, if Dean went down, Sam wanted to be right there beside him.

Now that Dean was just suddenly gone again, Sam found himself missing his brother's constant bitching, his horrible movie reference, and his lame sexual jabs. Those things irritated him on a daily basis, but without Dean, his life was just boring. Sam was reminded of this every time that he lost Dean.

Sam felt like he was partly at fault for Dean's current predicament. He had basically pushed Dean away and made him feel like all his choices had been taken away from him. Sam felt guilty as hell; he should have been a better brother and supported Dean more. Sam was realizing this now; he knew why Dean bailed. Dean hated asking for help and admitting his problems, he'd rather just deal with them on his own. Sam knew he should have seen this coming; this is what Dean always did when he felt overwhelmed by his problems. This time however, he wasn't just burying his thoughts; he was trying to run from a problem was impossible to escape from. In the back of his mind Sam knew that he couldn't have stopped Dean from leaving if he tried, but Sam still blamed himself, he could have been more supportive.

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