Chapter 15: A walk

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"Want to go for a walk?"His blue eyes looked at her brown eyes.She gave a tiny smile and nod.

They walked in a slow pace,silently enjoying each other's company.Somehow, Lilia felt safe whenever he was with her.A warm feeling slowly crept its way into her heart.She batted the feeling away.

Once or twice her would looked at her gloves curiously,but he didn't asked anything,which she was grateful for.Lilia gradually stopped in her tracks.Her lips tightened as she remembered something she had to do.

"Excuse me for a while."Lilia said.He nod in understanding.Picking up her steps, she nearly slammed her head onto the library's door.She looked at her gloves before going in the library.

Her eyes looking at the towering shelves of books,she finally saw a book.

Demon Marks.

Taking the book out,she begun to read it.


(I'm not going to revealed what the book wrote about YET.Its a surprised for the future chapters :p )


Slamming the book shut,she gently put the book back,not noticing the fact that her hands were trembling.

What am I,truly?

She sanked onto her knees.

Hidden secrets,so many that she did not know.

My life is full of secrets,past that I don't really even know.Lilia gave a cold laugh.Her heart dropped.Standing up,she forced herself to go back to where Keith was.Keith gave her a small smile."Where have you been?"

Lilia merely shook her head as her hands shook.He gave her a concern gaze."Are you alright?"

Saying nothing,she shook her head again as she,for the second time in that day,cried.He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head into his chest and shook and cried. Patting her back,he let her cry until her tears finally ran dry.

"I'm sorry."She mumbled into his chest.

"Sorry for what?"

"For wetting your shirt."

He gave a loud laugh."Its just a shirt,don't be silly Lilia."She lifted her head.

"Give me a smile."He demanded.The corners of her lips twitched a little.Shaking his head,he sigh."I said a smile,Shadoefel,not that thing you're giving me."

She gave a smile and he nod."Now come on."He said and started dragging her by the hand.

"Huh?Where are we going?"

He gave a glare."Tell me,Shadoefel,have we finished walking yet?"

"Um no."

"Then what kind of stupid question is that?Now start walking!"

"Your a jerk."She mumbled under her breath.He gave her another glare."I heard that."

"I want you to hear that."She mumbled.

"Say that again and I'll make sure to banned you from entering the library again."

Lilia turned a shade paler at his words."You wouldn't dare."She whispered.

"I will."

"Well then,god dammed your hearing."

"I'll take that as a compliment."He smirked when he saw her reactions.If looks could kill,he would have already dropped dead. But sadly,looks couldn't kill,so he didn't die.

Soon silence fell on them again as they continued walking.Lilia pushed away her thoughts.She would at least enjoyed this moment.She walked side by side with him with a tiny smile on her face.


-no one-

Tears streamed down his face as the man who had given the gloves to Lilia just now watched her walking with a boy with a tiny smile on her face.Pride and love shone in his eyes.

"You have grown so much..."He whispered to her even if he knew that she could not hear him.He would act as a protector for her from far away.Even if she hated him...

He would die protecting her with his last breath.

"My daughter."

Here's a little game for a faster update! IF you can gimme 4 votes and 5 comments,I'll make another update in two or three days (I'm kinda out of ideas here,so I MAY OR MAY NOT update in these days.For that,I apologised first.)Of course,I AM NOT forcing any of you to do this.I WILL still update if YOU don't do this,just maybe a little 'slower'.Thanks for reading and if you have any ideas you want me to add in this book,comment! (I CAN'T take all of your ideas in,but maybe I'll think about it! ;) And excuse me if I couldn't read your comments.)

Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Flames (Wattys 2016) The School for Good and EvilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant