4. Jane Doe's and Drinking Games

Start from the beginning

I grin and look down at a text that Jackie has sent me back about my brother. I'd recorded her number from the call on Ben's phone last night and I can't believe I haven't asked for her number until now.

Jackie: So what did your boss say about a day off?

Oh, right. I still have to ask Luke about that.

I was originally planning on asking him last night, but after the...incident that happened in his room, I wasn't able to. I mean, what am I supposed to say after something like that? I'm sorry I walked in on you touching yourself, but I need a favour?

If Luke does decide to come, the plane tickets and the hotel fees will come with his job. Being the singer of a popular band has its perks, and with one word, he could fly me to my brother in no time.

But, in order to convince him, it's obvious he needs to like me first.

It's a plan.

If he is nice enough, if I am nice enough to him, he'll come with me. Maybe he'll be okay with it. Maybe he can convince Ben to let me go and see my brother. Just for a day.

Just for a day...

My fingers fly rapidly over the screen as I type a reply to Jackie.

Lissa: I didn't ask him yet. Is Dustin getting any better?

Jackie: No, but we're trying.

Lissa: I really thought he'd be fine on his own.

Jackie: We did too.

Lissa: Will it be really bad? If I didn't make it there this week?

Jackie: Maybe. But don't worry too much. The doctor came down to check on him today, said this was a completely normal reaction. Since it's the first time he's been away from you, after all. Needs time to cope, he said.

Lissa: I'm still worried.

Suddenly, I hear a bone-chilling scream that makes me jump. The boys and I turn around to see Luke, his eyes now wide open, gripping the seat. His face is ghostly white, breathing hard as he tries to recover from whatever he'd just experienced.

"Bad dream, Luke?" Michael asks, grinning lazily.

"Shut the fuck up, Clifford," Luke snaps angrily. "You're a waste of oxygen." He shoots daggers at Michael, who just shrugs nonchalantly. But I'm still shaken, and confused by Luke's unnecessary rudeness.

"Is Luke always this bad?" I whisper in Michael's ear, once the plane is silent again.

"He wasn't always," Michael replies thoughtfully. "He used to be hella fun, went out drinking and partying with us. He used to do it a lot."

I look at him with a raised brow.

"He gets bipolar sometimes," Michael explains. "I mean, it's not like he's officially diagnosed or anything, but from the first day I met him, he'd always had this angry side. He only occasionally goes back to sweet and normal Luke. In front of the cameras and the fans, at least. So just you wait. If you've seen his Hyde, you'll see his Jekal too."

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