Chapter five

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Hanna's POV -
9:42 a.m.
Mona is sitting right beside me, wearing the same thing Alison was wearing the day she disappeared.

"Have a cookie," Mona says as she holds a tray of cookies. Then she turns towards me and points to the cookie. I take one, after all, I haven't eaten in two days.

Then Mona sits down again. "I'm glad you're alive, Mona," I say to her.

"Don't call me that!" she says. I give her a confused look. "I'm Alison." she says.

"What? You're Mona!" I tell her.   "No, I'm Alison. And I'm so through with that bitch."

Then, I see her look in a direction, so I look in the same direction. Then I see a camera.

A few minutes later, Mona or "Alison" gets up and goes to the mirror. She is looking at herself.   "I haven't changed that much, have I?"  she says.

No one answers.

"You guys, it's me, Alison!" she says. Still, no one says anything, they just stare at her. Then, I hear an alarm go off.

"Hurry! Go to your rooms! You only have a minute to go!" she says. So we go.

Once I get to my room, I shut the door, like everyone else does.

Spencer's POV -
5:37 p.m.
I've been in my room for over seven hours. I've been trying to open the door for hours, but it won't budge. I try again. It works.

As I get out, I see Mona and the other girls, so I follow them. Then, Mona starts taking.
"So, how long have you guys been trapped in this place?" she asks.

"That's not important!" Hanna says. "Why are you pretending to be Alison, and how are you alive?" she says.

"A brought me here. I've been here for nearly three months. And -A is also making me pretend to be Alison, and when I don't and -A is watching me, it locks me in this place for days without food or water. So, whenever -A is watching, do what it tells you, or else there will be consequences." she says.

Then, I see a room, really far away.

"What's that?" I ask her. I point to the place.

"That is the exit of this place. You can't get to it though, because it's super far and you only have two minutes to get there." she answers.

"But what happens if you don't get there in time?" I say.

"A traps you in a tiny room with no food or water, and it plays this buzzing sound that is really loud and it goes on for days, until you can't handle it anymore, and you will eventually die." she says.

Hanna's POV -
We walk back into the room where we first saw Mona in the dollhouse, and we sit down at a table, playing cards. Then I just lose it.

"This sucks! Why should we be trapped in this place, barely living, while -A is just watching us being tortured like this!"  then I turn to Mona.  "And you're not freaking Alison, you're Mona. Mona Vanderwaal. You don't have to keep pretending! There are five of us and one of...him, her, it, bitch!" I say to the camera. Then, the ground is shaking. It is a struggle to even stand up straight, but I manage to.

"Go back to your rooms!" Mona said. "Go now! It won't be shaking in there!"

"How do you know?" Emily says.

"This has happened before. Now go! Or else you will die!"

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