Chapter 16: Powerful Ally

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Aphmau awoke with a shivering jolt. She felt like she was on something hard.

Aphmau looked around. Obsidian walls and floor, small pools of lava in random spots in the floor, fire, netherack ceiling. She looks at what surrounded where she was unconscious, it was netherbrick. She was dressed in familiar red armor. What the?  Aphmau thought. She sat up. Where am I? Why is there... Oh No! Aphmau suddenly realized what was going on. OH MY GOSH NO! NO NO NO! AM I A SHADOW KNIGHT?! I can't be! I don't want to be a shadow knight. If I don't want to be a shadow knight then I can't be one can I? Does it take time to become one? Maybe they haven't even started the procedure. Or they are going to sacrifice me to open the portal to the nether. Either way I'm gonna lose! What am I gonna do? I never said my goodbyes to everyone! Levin, Malichi... OH MY GOSH IS GARROTH OK?! Where is he? Don't tell me Garroth died. If Zane did that I'll slit his throat like he almost did to me!

Just then Aphmau's thoughts were interrupted by some talking behind the iron door. She lied down and closed her eyes as if she was never awake. She heard the door open then close. Two people walked in and talked.

"So how do we know if it worked?"

"Please. It always works. Soon she will wake up, and finally use her powers for what they were meant to be used for."

"What if she doesn't?"

"What if I cut off your tongue?"

"I'm just saying, we do have a history of having some rouges."

"It will work trust me. She has no desire for power. She'll be easy to corrupt."

"What about her pure heart?"

"Even the purest of hearts can be stained black."

"What about her powers? She doesn't even know about them."

"She'll unlock her full power, all she needs a little push. With dark magic."

"Why are we even bothering to do this? You could've just killed her weeks ago instead of putting the syringe in her every day."

Weeks ago? Syringe? Aphmau thought. How long was I out for?

"If she doesn't turn, then I'll kill her. The reason I kept her alive is because she's a great enemy, but an even powerful ally. If she joins us then there will be next to no one that could have a chance to stop us. Also if she doesn't turn and I kill her, then Phoenix Drop would be in a weak state and we could destroy it. It will also harm Garroth too. The one he has the closest relationship with and the one he will protect with his life, would be dead. Perhaps I should just kill her now..."

"Didn't you say she'd make a powerful ally?"

"I find your lack of faith disturbing. Stop questioning my decisions you fool!"

"Hey! Be careful. I'm just asking things so your plan would have no flaw."

"Right now the only flaw is you!"

Aphmau heard the sound of a blood curtailing scream, then a thunk.

"That's better."

Did he just kill the other guy? Aphmau thought.

"Oops... I accidentally pushed his corpse into lava... oh well."

She smelt an awful burning stench. Aphmau heard him come closer to her.

"I wonder what's taking you so long? Perhaps your fighting it?" Then he whispered echo like into her ear. "You'll turn... and it will be wonderful... all you have to do is let go."

Perhaps I should pretend to fight whatever "it" is. Aphmau started to twitch her head ever so slightly.

"No matter how hard you try, the darkness will consume you. You can make the pain stop. Just. Let. Go."

Ok I'll act what he wants. I might just need to act like a shadow knight then... Garroth was right. Aphmau thought. She stopped her twitching and relaxed her head.

"That's a good girl."

Aphmau opened her eyes. Then she talked in her "Shadow knight voice" (from chapter 8). "Well well well. If it isn't Zane. The High Priest of O'kasis."

"Hello Aphmau." said Zane.

"What? I give you your full title and you neglect mine?" said Aphmau. Say selfish things, talk like a Shadow knight and walk like Sasha. So act what I'm not. Aphmau thought to herself.

"My apologies Aphmau the Lord of Phoenix Drop." said Zane.

"That's more like it." said Aphmau. "Why do you awaken me?"

"To see if you've changed your personality." said Zane.

"My personality is none of your business High Priest." said Aphmau. She sat up.

"Well... it will be if I marry you." said Zane.

"Did you say "if" Priest." said Aphmau.

"My apologies, I meant when." said Zane.

"Whatever floats your boat. I don't care." said Aphmau. Am I pulling this off?

"You don't?" asked Zane.

"Sure! I absolutely hate you and want to kill you, but sure! Marry me." said Aphmau.

"I see you still have your sense of humor." said Zane. "If it makes you feel better, I want to kill you too."

"Look at that. We already found something in common." said Aphmau flatly.

"I guess so." said Zane. "Just so you know, your dress is already picked out and everything. The wedding starts tomorrow."

What!? "Wow... that was fast." said Aphmau.

"Indeed. Here in O'kasis, things get done quickly." said Zane.

"I see." What about the whole "keeping me alive for weeks" thing? Aphmau thought. Uh... change the subject. "Don't tell me this dump is my room."

"Is is not. Shall I escort you?" asked Zane.

What would a shadow knight say? "You're just lucky I don't know where my room is." said Aphmau.

Zane smirked. "Follow me."

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